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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Another rookie manager. Personally never heard of him, neither have many others by the sounds of it. I know you can throw Johnson into the ring, but he was more well known in his playing days in and around League One in recent years.
  2. If it is Robinson, will he last longer than Kelly did? Shambles.
  3. I'd 100% take Bunn now, shame the club have been knobs with him not even contacting him after his interview.
  4. Club clearly looking for backroom stability, especially bringing SO'D in as Director of Football... Seems like we're looking more for a younger coach, or someone who is after their first job. They can't be that picky if they're desperate to get in a football league job.
  5. Brian Wilson, 1 year extension. On official twitter.
  6. I'd say the last three/four months of last season was enjoyable, albeit nervewracking at times...
  7. Here's an idea... Get behind the club and the new manager... Revolutionary, I know!
  8. Yeah, fairly sure he spouted off on Facebook a while back that it was the way to play...
  9. Thought he'd have done better than that, he was great the season before last.
  10. two pints of lager and a packet of crisps.
  11. Come on lads, it's been paid. Time for Barry to get everyone back onboard...
  12. Expect we'll sell a few more if Evans comes in... As much as people don't like him, I think most recognise that his record speaks for itself.
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