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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Out of interest, anyone know their previous record fee?
  2. Played well on the whole again... Vardy should have started both games.
  3. Are we sure we've got the right Steve Evans? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Evans_(footballer,_born_1979)
  4. Interesting and tough question. Evans, marginally, but my love for Shez was huge until just a few weeks ago...
  5. Joy said it. However, he did say ideally - It will be this week i'd assume.
  6. They wanted him (or her?) in place by tomorrow, however, it doesn't appear to be happening...
  7. Kelly is best summarised by how much we miss him when he's not in the team...
  8. Is Dowie even in the country? I assume he's covering the Euro's for someone...
  9. Not that i'm taking away from this rather random sub-conversation... We're down to three candidates, most likely... Neil Adams Frankie Bunn Iain Dowie? Who would people choose? None of them jump out, I think I'd go for Adams myself.
  10. Paid and Sent my predictions but forgot to add my Golden Boot in the email, gonna go for Antonie Griezmann. Thanks Stevie.
  11. It has John Coleman down as never managing outside the bottom tier, but he did with Rochdale...
  12. Giggs has entered the SkyBet odds at 20/1... Fairly sure he wasn't there the other day.
  13. All the best Joel. Expect to see you in the PremierLeague within the next few years!
  14. Ignore me... I've just gone through his timeline. As you were...
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