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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Had £2.50 each way on Buywise... Paul Moloney finished in the top 5 in the last 7 Grand Nationals
  2. I'm undecided but leaning out at the moment... However, I don't have much of a clue and finding the fact within the fiction is a hard job to do... Being a third-year Politics undergraduate, I really should be more clued up...
  3. Coleman J. Wilson Dieng Gerrard Holmes-Dennis Kelly Dummigan Palmer Jones Main Forte
  4. Think it's all ticket for both home and away fans...
  5. Coming from the man who had to play for free... He'll be at home in League One.
  6. Back page of the Chron says he's decided to stay with Latics. Hope he sends Donacaster down.
  7. I probably sit in the same section... The wannabe hooliagans at the front sung "town full of pakis" and "Allah is your leader" not long into the game. Someone in the execs shouted "you're only here for the ballboys" which was amusing.
  8. He was very good in his first loan spell here, to be fair.
  9. It's all about winning games, not performances now. £50/£20 back for those who have committed to a ST, great win all round.
  10. Yours might be a one off, my receipt has the date and exact time of printing on it...
  11. Anyone know what the date cut off is for intermediate tickets, nothing mentioned on the website... Last season you had to be 21 or under on the 31st August, so i'm assuming it is the same this season?
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