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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. I don't think 75k is that far off the mark... Best of a bad bunch this season.
  2. Happy Christmas fellow Latics fans, hopefully the fat man sends us three points tomorrow.
  3. Didn't say he was. But focussing on Murphy, he didn't either.
  4. Rhys Murphy didn't score goals in League One... *Insert counter-argument about him not getting a chance*
  5. Waiting for someone to say you can't play 4-4-2 in the modern game.
  6. :censored: Sake. Another shining example that we can't do anything right...
  7. Few weeks ago i'd have said never. Now i'd have him back in a flash. We're awful.
  8. It's worth a try. Standing there doing :censored: all with your hands in your pockets is really inspiring. If a manager has given up, what are the players meant to think?
  9. Players look to the manager on the sidelines for inspiration. Where's the inspiration in standing there with your hands in your pockets. I heard a manager or ex manager the other day say that man management is about 85% of the modern game, and it seems true. Look at the successful managers of recent times - Ferguson, reputable for being a good man manager, telling players to take a risk and enjoy themselves too. Redknapp is often sighted as the best man manager of the higher levels. It doesn't seem evident in Dunn's management that he is a good man manager, or that he's good at anything else. Tactically he is awful too. I'm usually a positive fan, even last year when Holden got it, I was holding out that a better manager would come in and change things in the summer, but Corney and co have dropped three major bollocks with Holden, Kelly and now Dunn. Put that along with Evans and the new stand and 2015 has been a right :censored: up from the board.
  10. We're still playing boring football, just seems we've become easy to beat.
  11. Their owner Eddie Davies has agreed to write off all his existing loans to the club, effectively leaving them debt free. He's selling off everything, the stadium, retail park next to the ground, everything. Great prospect for someone looking to get into football. If they find the right person, they could be back in the PremierLeague sooner than it appeared the other day.
  12. Can we do anything right? They need to refund the difference.
  13. In all seriousness though, the Ched Evans saga, followed quicky by LJ's departure and the boards lack of ambition killed last season off, this season is heading, or some would argue, has gone the same way. I'll take a 20th place finish now, with Dunn getting the boot if we bring in someone who is going to play some expansive, attacking football. Rather than this negative, no-risk strategy that is going to get us absolutely nowhere. Shambles.
  14. I blame SkySports. If they didn't pay their pundits so well, we'd have Dowie here now. Bastards.
  15. Is it fair to say that they were good in bomb alley, with the zone of confusion taking a fair bashing too?
  16. 4-3-1-2 Coleman Mills Wilson Wilson Dummingham Yeates Kelly Croft Rasulo Poleon Philliskirk
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