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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. On who's should? His anticipation of the ball was absolutely wank in every performance I saw from him, either 3 yards behind or 3 years in front everytime the ball was played to him. Surely this is the purpose of a loan deal though, if he does well (as he is...) we get him back in Jan and give him another go.
  2. As with the team under him whilst he was here, he knew we can't deal with physical teams. Easy tactic to work out for him. £5 to playershare if he is still Barnsley boss after the last game of the season.
  3. We didn't deserve to win that game, nor draw it if i'm being totally honest. Girlfriend came to the conclusion today that we're far too negative, and don't want to take any risks when attacking. She also said that it looks like the players are being taught in a way to play short quick passes but when a player misplaces a pass or passes to a player surrounded by 2 or 3 opposition players, it totally :censored:s any progression we make. For someone that had never been to a football match until last season, she's got it pretty much nailed on. Going to be a long hard slog this season...
  4. It's all rather frustrating that he plays Poleon up top in his own, when we've learned on several occasions this season that it does't work. Hopefully that'll be the last time...
  5. To be fair, I was in work and found out we won at about 6 o'clock, fair to say I was a happy worker tonight...
  6. Is it too negative to say i'm still not convinced? Yes, sorry, i'll be quiet...
  7. They know they've got a guarunteed 3 points next week...
  8. Someone has fallen ill, needed CPR as Stewards help a sheet around him. Gone in an ambulance now. Hope he's okay. Followed by some scrapping between some fans. Bad atmopshere this season, think there's a feeling all around that we're going to be very close to relegation. Defensive Dave won't change it though.
  9. Wasn't much negativity this time last year. Only results will change the fans opinions, Simon.
  10. Thought Croft had piled on some weight when I went to the Burton game... Great fitness regime I see...
  11. From a purely footballing stand-point, i'd rather have Tommy Wright than Dean Holden. As i'm sure 99% of this forum would do too...
  12. This season is the culmination of a downward spiral we've been in since Sheridan was sacked in 2009. We've had the odd good moment, the cup run under Dickov and the early season optimism last year. Through years of falling crowds/lower investment in the playing side/loss of interest from owners and fans alike, we've continued on this downward curve, something which will end in relegation... Will it be this season? Maybe. I don't feel as bad as I did in the Penney season, but that was my first real taste of a bad season, other than 03/04, though we had fighters in the team then. However, I have no faith that Dunn is the miracle worker we prayed for after Kelly, and no faith that the board have the funds nor the ambition to push for anything other than league one obscurity in the near-future. and that's coming from a usually positive fan...
  13. Apologies, i'd seen a C.Burgess playing for Pompey but his first name is Christian. As you were...
  14. "Oldham are a division higher than us and a team that likes to play football so I dont envisage they will come and play with eight at the back. But they are away from home." Don't think their manager has sussed out defensive Dave.
  15. Doesn't this show the committment of our manager to the job and his scouting of potential signings? Why so negative all the time?
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