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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. I don't think anyone expected him to he in a job, nevermind the FA Cup.
  2. Imagine the viewers they'll get from the United link though, it will certainly entice the TV channels.
  3. FC United v Chesterfield and Salford v Notts County will be the TV games. Nailed on.
  4. I got Forest Green away, probably get a battering there!
  5. Guy in the ticket office reckons it will be strictly enforced by the police. Probably cordon off the sections at either ends not sold.
  6. Seen a few managers that have done this over the past couple of seasons, think it might have been Mark Warburton at Brentford who changed it to stop the opposition getting in the linesmans ear
  7. It's a consortium, so presumably he's just the business face? Well-known in the area and balances the books at Latics... (Well, apart from the debt to TTA)
  8. Coleman did pull off some great saves in his games this season... Both keepers are on a similar level, I personally prefer Coleman, but i'd rather we got the defence sorted than started dicking about with the keepers again.
  9. must be part of their contract when they join the club...
  10. Did he stamp on Brown? Didn't see, just saw Kelly pushing and shoving...
  11. People get too touchy about players celebrating in front of opposition fans. I'd love nothing more than Kelly to score a last minute winner then proceeding to tell the opposition fans to :censored: off. Just me?
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