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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Nope, from what i've read it seems nothing has changed. Club is still for sale at the right price to the right person. Evans situation has provided Corney with an opportunity to get that into the national news, gather more attention.
  2. Club is still for sale, but only to the right buyer. Business as usual then?
  3. Verlin and Nandos gone. Zen Office were waiting. That's how it seems...
  4. Barry Owen should be ousted from the trust and his position as fans representative. Suspect he'd be kept on by Corney anyway...
  5. 24% that would boycott is quite a significant amount really. Whether it would be that high through-out the entire fan base i'm not sure, but can our club afford to alienate any fans? Sure we've got the SportsDirect money, but that's not going to be there as long as fans are. One way to split your supporters even more anyway, well done to the board.
  6. Very good article by Melissa Kite. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2898151/The-football-rapist-vile-courts-hand-justice-not-Twitter-mob-writes-MELISSA-KITE.html
  7. What was the reaction to Coventry signing Marlon King after he was released from prison for sexual assault?
  8. I've got to the point where I think we might as well sign him. Clubs name has been dragged through the :censored: already now.
  9. Is he? I thought he'd be back for this one after a couple of weeks... Without Kelly then... Rachubka Brown Wilson Dieng Mills Winchester Mellor Jones Poleon Philliskirk Forte
  10. Rachubka Brown Wilson Dieng Mills Kelly Mellor Jones Winchester Forte Philliskirk That's picking from a squad without any loanees. We're abit thin on the ground really, maybe we could do with a certain striker... Rachubka Brown Wilson Dieng Mills Kelly Winchester Jones Philliskirk Forte Evans
  11. Evans and Hughes cases are totally different. Different crimes and different circumstances. That's not to say one is worse than the other, however, I don't believe you can compare them as easily as some seem to present on here. I'm surprised that the club, especially Corney, have even entertained the idea of signing Evans at the current time. The only reason I could think of is that they have it on good ground that Evans' conviction may be overturned in the near future. Other than that, I'm unsure why they would want to drag the club through a :censored:storm that is totally unnecessary. All we can do is wait. Where is Sir Barry Owen these days? Hush Hush as usual.
  12. Give them a few days off, relaxation... Bring them back in, get the basics covered again. We should be fresh, fit and raring to go.
  13. I think the biggest part of that arguement for me is that he's been our best player at times. Now, i've not been to every single game, but i've attended every home game. Winchester brings a different element to the game, however, there is inconsitency in his game. Some games he's outstanding, others and personally i'd argue the majority just mediocre. I don't think there's been many times this season where i've sat and thought "wow, what a player." I also don't think he helps the shape of the team, a point which i've made in the past. Much the same as Daniel Johnson. Just my opinion. He's a good, tidy player... However, to move to the next level, the consistency in performance has to be realised.
  14. Just seen the goals. What a :censored:ing joke, all soft tap ins. Surely Kenny can't survive as first choice keeper now?!
  15. On a slightly negative point, to add balance to the precedings... Crewe beat Bristol City today. Happy Christmas!
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