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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Christ. Speculation and miscalculation come to mind, on both ends. I'd love to see the moaners of OWTB try and run Latics bettter than Simon Corney has these past few years. You might run things differently, but i heavily suspect you'd come to significantly worse results.
  2. £7.50 is ridiculous. SportsDirect are likely to offer from their website and Oldham store, so not the end of the world anyway.
  3. New stock to be sold online until the shop opens in the New Stand? If anyone wants a positive to take from this, it probably means that the stand will progress significantly over the next few weeks and months and we'll have a shop in that time.
  4. Can we start bigging it up as the Champions showdown now? The battle for top spot?
  5. 100k to the stand or 100k on a unproven striker (at this level) Self-explanatory.
  6. Never seen us play Middlesborough, so at least it's someone different for me and probably a few others.
  7. Think i'm the only person who quite enjoyed last season, as frustrating as it was. Think it may have been because i missed so much of the season before, though.
  8. Probably been going to the ticket office...
  9. Remember that kids tickets stay the same price, so getting them closer the time may lessen the numbers we're down. I'm a new season ticket holder this season, not had one for two seasons.
  10. More than likely that he's in New York. Chron and MEN are in contact with him from time to time, LaticsPlayer most likely aren't.
  11. Totally agree. Should have been changed early on, but was left and left and i'm surprised we didn't get punished earlier for it.
  12. Still under contract/agreement with JD. No point creating hassle they don't need.
  13. I wouldn't go to Gillingham without planning exactly how to get there. I suspect most coming to Boundary Park must do the same.
  14. Hopefully that will be that and we'll never have the discussion of Micah Richards again!
  15. Rachubka Mills J.Wilson Lockwood B.Wilson Smith Dayton Jones Winchester Philliskirk JCH
  16. Diadora is a sub-company of JD. So, it could be old stock? Or we've signed a new JD deal?
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