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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Crawley (H) - W Leyton Orient (A) - L Brentford (H) - L Bradford (A) - D Colchester (A) - L Coventry (H) - D Carlisle (A) - D Sheff Utd (H) - L Notts County (H) - W 9 points from the remaining games for me. 48 points, might JUST see us safe.
  2. Amazes me how clueless some people are. Gary Harkins is up there for player of the season, he's been here since January. Says it all.
  3. They might let you in the RRE to use the disabled facilities? Chance it and give the club a ring, surely they'll accommodate in these circumstances?
  4. Oh well, look forward to the Main Stand paddock. Moaning voice at the ready...
  5. I don't understand how it will save money, really. Stewarding still required in the RRE for the Crawley fans. More people will be re-allocated to other food stalls around the ground to cope with the 'increacing demand' in that stand... Police costs will be the same i'd guess, i'm sure Crawleys fans won't be causing mayhem Strange decision, planted the seed for the shutting of the RRE end for next season I reckon... We shall see.
  6. I tend to stay away from the trust discussions on here, but I totally agree with this Jorvik! Piss poor organisation on this one. Barry seems more than happy to respond to criticism and get involved in an argument with Rummy, yet when serious questions or suggestions are raised there's absolutely no response. Poor relations between the fans representative and the fans again, but what do we come to expect these days. No personal vendetta Barry, but it is clearly evident.
  7. Fair play. The guys won a trophy and scored a pen. We can all recognise that without another thread on an old player. Denis Irwin won the treble, you know...
  8. What happened? Or was it just the general negativity about the place at the moment?
  9. I think the difference is that he's got a pair of bollocks and is ready for the fight. Along with Harkins and Wes. All the others are bottlers. :censored: out of challenges and :censored: themselves in front of goal. Got to man up and fight for the cause now. No point not doing, not just the clubs but their own futures that are on line. A relegation won't exactly look good on players like Oxley's CV, for example.
  10. :censored:ing :censored:e end to the game. BUT, a point on the board.
  11. Smith "Injured" - might liberate our midfield abit. Oxley dropped after Tuesday, made a few errors. Rachubka hasn't looked the best this season however... Come on Oldham!
  12. No, we'll stick to the 'traditional' system of freezing your arse off queueing in December.
  13. Best player the first few games of the season. Shame he's let himself, his family, the club and pretty much every down with his actions.
  14. Mid-Table obscurity, missing points from no predictions. I am the Stoke of the Free-To-Play.
  15. I thought to get a full comparison of the squad i'd put together the team from the opening day against the team that played last night. It's important to note that we didn't have some important players last night, JCH through suspension. However, the clear defining players which are missing are Jose Baxter and James Tarkowski - they stand out in the squad on the left, among an average squad. I think our expections for this season were heavily over-exagerated by both Johnson's pre-season comments of "looking for promotion" and also the goals and win on that opening day. Obviously we lost Montano, who had otherwise looked a very good player, because of his stupidity in getting himself into the betting and fixing game. Unfortunately, that seemingly looks a turning point in our season - although, we weren't spectacular before that came out. With him gone, we've not replaced him with a decent winger, apart from Petrasso, but even he was left unused on the right wing for the majority of games. I look at that team that played at Stevenage, it already looks intrinsically weak, in hindsight. However, when compared to the one from last night, it looked as if we might have had a hope, of pushing on. Where do we go from here then? That team will not get us anywhere in my opinion, in league 1 or even league 2 it looked intrinsically average. Out of last nights starting XI, I can see 3 players being here next season, 4 at a push. James Wesolowski - Natural battler in the middle, but needs a ball playing, forward pushing midfielder along side him. JP Kissock - One for the future Rhys Turner - Same as Kissock Harkins - I could see him coming back, if we can afford to and if allowed, but fear he could be another player that plays for a contract. Other than that, I can't see many of them being here next season. Apart from being squad players. Oxley - Will go back to Hull, 90% won't return. Smith - Will move on, doesn't look interested any more, far too backward minded and Corney will cash in on our "star man" Lockwood - Might stay as a squad player, but can't see him becoming the established centre half. Very poor man's Sean Gregan. Wilson - LJ's mate, probably stay for Johnson, wouldn't bother if it were me, not for the starting XI anyway Grounds - Another who looked like a world beater early in the season, playing as a centre half. Can see him moving on, maybe to a better team Mellor - Simply not good enough for League 1, can't nail a position down, has to go MacDonald - Looks alright, works hard with no end result, too injury prone and I doubt he'll be here Just looking at the subs, a more drastic verdict. I can see 1 being here next season. Philliskirk - Would love him to stay, seems like he's got something there, but he can't produce in the league. I'd give him another go, though. Brown - Another who isn't good enough, he's had his chances and messes them up each time Dunfield - Don't even know why he's here, that's all I need to say Winchester - Another player who can't nail down a position, he's too light weight but could be a good player. Not worth another year of hope. Millar - Same as above, was set to be used as a striker, hasn't been used enough to warrant being needed. Rachubka - Another who might probably be here, but he won't get a sniff of the starting XI in the league. It's looking like we're going to have another annual clear out, as most players either don't deserve to be, or just simply won't be staying beyond the summer break. I wish we could keep a core of a team together, but if that means keeping the likes of Smith (Great on his day, but too backward), MacDonald, Mellor etc. Then we'll be in for another season of disappointment. It's been pointed to, but a team of tall, strong players is the way to win this league, in most cases. But that is not the Oldham way in these modern years. It's a damning verdict, but as a fan, I obviously want us to do well, I want us to win games. But, I want a team that will go out there with Heart, Desire and Passion, A team that looks like they want to go out and attack the opposition. Strikers that look like they want to score goals. Defenders who will take no :censored:. As opposed to the team we have now, that comes out of tackles, passes it backwards constantly, and is seemingly scared to shoot. Is it too much to ask, as a fan, that our players care? Based on last nights and the last few performances, it must be.
  16. I'm sure details of clubs accounts in terms of turnover and loss/profit are published somewhere. However, it'll be generally loss... loss... loss... one season of profit with cup money. I don't know how much we could infer or gain from these.
  17. But you don't know that. No-one know's that beyond the walls of that board room. Barry might not even know that, to be honest.
  18. Toy Story 2 is the best one. Don't even care!
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