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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. Bring Back Andy Rhodes! Haha. Joking of course, I presume he's at a bigger club these days.
  2. Wish City would just buy the clause out and we wouldn't have to give two :censored:s about them or Richards then.
  3. Can't deny to attempts to find a striker though, Rooney and now Stead (proven, at some point in their careers) as goal scorers. We've also not seen Turner yet, he might turn out to be our saviour...
  4. Been saying this about Winchester the last two seasons. He'd be a much better player if he beefed up abit. He's far too lightweight at the moment, especially for a midfield player.
  5. One one hand, yes it could be great news if they get fatigue setting in, a few injuries and lose a few games. However, should they win quite a few of them? Bad news for us.
  6. I'm sure it was like Dickov's first season or something before that. Still, we rarely do win 3 on the bounce, which is one reason we are where we are. I'm confident we're going to kick on next season though, once we've survived another :censored: season. Probably going to get a Johnson Sr vs Johnson Jr double header next season too!
  7. Would he have changed the game today? Or was the Kasunga sending off the game changer and Smith being on the field wouldn't have prevented the annual defeat at MK Dons.
  8. Bloody hell, got out of work thinking we'd got a draw. :censored: sake. Kasunga has been a liability alot this season, in my opinion. Much prefered Connor Brown/Lanzoni at Right back and Tarkowski/Lockwood/Wilson/Grounds at Centre back above him. Others seem to see some quality in him, but he's not that good IMO. I'd get rid in Summer, but i'm happy to be proved wrong.
  9. Just been of the site. Slightly changed. Fixtures on the side for this month is a good change. Keep 'em coming!
  10. This is my favourite. Although, they're in a similar position to us? In some senses anyway.
  11. Just a quick one... Was going to listen to the ocmmentary on my phone today, whilst out and about. Does anyone know how much data it uses? If it's loads i don't want to go over on my allowance. Cheers.
  12. Maybe that was if he went back out on loan in January? We've moved on, anyway. Long Live Gary Harkins!
  13. That development was never in question. Amount of money the council will earn from it overuled any concerns of residents. Shame we couldn't build there in the end.
  14. Using the fact that he wants to play football against him? Sign for them or we won't play you... But, that would be Corney effectively picking the team and i'd imagine that LJ wouldn't stand for it.
  15. Heard a few things on the grapevine... - Brentford have trebled his wages (there or there abouts) - Tarky wanted to stay but he was forced out by Simon Corney - He wanted to come back and only found out after training on Friday that he'd have to go straight to Brentford - He only wants to play football, only interested in that, not about money or anything - Wanted to stay local and staying at Latics would have satisfied him in that respect
  16. I thought the plans had changed and it now does cover the length of the pitch? Looks like it does from the building site too!
  17. If the Rochdale Road End is/will be in the future, a permanent home for Latics fans, then i'd like to see the back built on - i'm not a builder, but i'm sure this could be done to enclose the concourse from the elements.
  18. Issue for bigger gates is that we allow pay on the day, whilst people from the opposition club can predict how many fans are going to make the journey up. Nothing is every certain, literally is a guessing game. I have no problem moving for the odd game, Main Stand Paddock isn't all bad anyway. Few more products from the shop would be good - i really wanted one of those black jackets with the stripy collar, but they don't sell them.
  19. So, who's going to sit in the new stand? I guess it depends on the price for many. I think i'll stay in the Rochdale Road End (should we be allowed to, although I think we might be turfed out) - if not, the Main Stand paddock will be my choice.
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