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Danny Mck

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Everything posted by Danny Mck

  1. I do so, in the company of people whom I rarely see, but very much like, often respect and enjoy conversation and debate with. Whereby I can laugh, shout, sing, cheer and be merry without a care in the world. Where I am unjudged and equal. The loose addendum attached to us being O.A.S.I.S, for our one shared love Oldham Athletic Football Club. Andy - that's just one of the many gut-wrenching elements of this :censored:ed up bull:censored: and it's something that nobody had the right to take away from us. I said I'll keep on going and I will but I understand why others won't and I'm gonna miss the hell out of them. Signing Messi wouldn't have justified preventing friends from seeing one another fof :censored:sake!
  2. Always said that I hoped that the kids would choose between Swindon Town and Latics. They don't even know it yet but they've probably just made their minds up! I'll still go to Latics - not sure when I'll see them next, but I will - but I won't be taking them whilst mob after mob hurl vile abuse at men, women and children. I can wander down the road to The County Ground and enjoy a family atmosphere. So as things stand my daughter has seen a 2-0 reverse and a 7-0 reverse - both at MK, whilst poor Osc debuted in the second of those. I :censored:ing hate Corney for doing this. I was looking forward to taking the kids more often and there's a fair chance that I won't see some truly great friends for the forseeable future. We are supposed to argue and debate over what our favourite 80's kit was or whether you prefer Mouldy Old Dough to The Rockford Files. Not this FFS.
  3. A total disaster. It's a total disaster. We just gave the whole world licence to hate us and spit their vitriolic bile at us. We will lose fans, players, public respect and dignity. We won't attract the next generation of fans, can't attract new players and when LJ leaves ( which the clock is ticking on if he has any sense ) just who will we find to replace him? Wouldn't surprise me if SC took the reins. This is a very sad day. I wish media sources would stop saying that the board have been canvassing public opinion because even a handful of disgruntled loyal fans was enough to understand why they should have pulled out.
  4. Opinion is divided. Society is divided. Football supporters are divided. The OAFC board are divided. Sponsors are divided. Most importantly we are divided. That reflects the cross sections we know. One can therefore assume: The squad are divided. The club staff are divided. The players and staff's wives, husbands and extended famalies are divided. The most important thing about a team, be it 11 or 5000 is unity. We had that in bucketloads up until Nov 29. Now we are divided. For that alone, opt out. Please.
  5. Totally, totally agree. Whatever the wider rights or wrongs of it all may or may not be , this point is exactly where I am.
  6. Anybody that remembers the euphoria of beating Liverpool and leaving the ground to scenes akin to Madrid with cars driving around with flags flying from their windows will surely leave Mr Dickov alone. He brought us a very treasured memory and made us the talk of the nation for a moment.
  7. The 2 lads scuttling across the pitch after realising the gate was open and didn't need vaulting deserve applause - definitley deserved and embraced their moment. Full marks for completing the leap into the Latics section without disgrace too!!
  8. One thing is for sure, the manager has some selection headaches that none of us could have anticipated. Great squad and chapeau to the lads and LJ.
  9. Seen some things on here before but really?!
  10. I wouldn't worry about that. 500 packed in the Ateyeo - either none of us sing or all of us sing. Consider the latter assumed.
  11. Still can't believe we'll be sat in the Ateyeo. Will definitely need 24hoursfromTulseHill's special Rola Cola Fizzy Pop to maintain Dutch Courage if we really are to sing for 90 minutes.
  12. It isn't even Burnley. Ridiculous idea that will only backfire.
  13. Bolton supporting mate of mine has been incandescant about their lack of striking options all season. Seems they collect defensive midfielders ( from Palace ) more than us....Anyway, when this broke I was straight on and he was praising us but forlorn with Dougie. It seems the Wanderers fans rate him very highly and wanted him to take the step up. Says he runs like Van Persie but for us not think that he is Van Persie!
  14. The Merlin is now open from 10am on STFC home match days for "breakfast". Gonna wander down the hill not long after that as I live in Old Town.
  15. There's never a good time to play Brentford. It's always one of the Blue Ribbon events of my social calender but it has only once ended in victory and I struggled to come to terms with that!
  16. Absolutely - the key to success in this division - consistency, which can only be brought about by having options - everywhere.
  17. Latics World - doesn't cost that much, get signed up lad! You'll be able to answer your own questions there - lad says he's a creative midfielder who likes to get the ball down and pass it, and chip in with a few goals. Happy Days. Good Days effort Latics - that's all we can ask at this level and we're havin a go at least.
  18. If I'd just masterminded my team's arrival at the League 1 Play Offs and had them on the edge a truly unique achievement in terms of promotion from Conf to Champ in 5 years, and my standout midfielder, player of the year had anything wrong with him that would rule him out of the 1st leg, I wouldn't let him play keepy ups in his back garden with his family let alone 11 a-side with a load of fat blokes on a bone hard pitch at his old club under the publlic gaze and scrutiny. I'd let him support the day by all means by attending, put pulling on his boots? No Way. Not sure the insurers would be too happy either. When we played the Legends game in summer 03, wasn't Earl unable to play due to some coaching he was doing at City, so he just suported the cause from the dugout? Coaching Vs Star Man - doesn't seem right that the 1st shouldn't feature but the second can?
  19. 2 weeks after the event I walked into my local in Swindon and 2 blokes just started singing it at me. For weeks afterwards people just referred to me as "one of those noisy northern b**stards." The County Ground were in awe of us that day. Ding Ding, Rd 2...
  20. The only covered stand behind the goal is the TownEnd and there's no way they'd put us in there. We will defo be in the Arkells which provided accoustics to take to the grave for the 2-1 under Talbot...
  21. Name? Danny McKinstry Occupation? Account Manager Location? Horners Upper Swindon Dweller How Long Supporting the Tics? 25 Yrs Favourite Game (not the obvious one!)? For personal reasons, living in Swindon, the 2-1 with JJ and Muz was special - "Oh When The Blues!". Swansea this year was on par as I used to live there too - same stats, different yet equally memorable shenanegans!! All Time Greatest Player? Andy Ritchie Favourite Current Member? Whoop Whoop Warney!! Where will we finish? 2nd Biggest Rivals (in your eyes)? ManUre, City, B'stard Rovers, Leeds. And Finally, You became a millionaire, Oldham were available to purchase, what would you do to make our club Secure for the future? Employ Kev Leech, aka Burger Darts as a peramanent Standard Bearer for the club. Position him on his already constructed podium at the front of the Horners Upper, give him a loud speaker and watch the crowds flood back - They'll hear us at Old Toilet and Wastelands when he gets going. Viva Che Kevera!!
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