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Everything posted by astottie

  1. Ok ta. Didn't see it. Not on BBC OS or here so I did wonder
  2. No teams announced at 2.27. Is this game in doubt?
  3. Mate of mine who is a Bury fan reckons they are murdering teams at the moment. Will be interesting.
  4. Very windy. A light frost in Saddleworth. I wouldn't expect the game to be in doubt but driving might have an extra edge to it. Probably not as much edge as when I drove back from Fleetwood 3 seasons back when we hit proper snow and couldn't get up the hill from grotton to lydgate.
  5. Would agree with you about them both staying on loan that would be great. Funnily enough though re their long term future I would think Lyden is the one most likely to be let go. Villa must be planning for the premier league and I don't think he's done enough to be included in plans for that. Lang however might be good enough to scrap around the bottom reaches of the championship or top of the first whjch is where i would expect wigwam to be next year.
  6. It would have to be Sharp for me. Mind you i decided i'd rather have him spitting at the opposition than spitting at us
  7. Yep i agree with both of you. I was saying a couple of weeks back that I thought we were just starting to look like what knew what we were doing. Two good cup results and the effort against Lincoln were promising. Bloody big game next week against Bury as they are the form team at the moment in this league. Also could be 5000 plus there.
  8. Very possibly. It's hammering it down in Ashton which I appreciate is not where the game is being played.
  9. ah wrong thread? Or does the 'and that' exonerate me? Sorry!
  10. Mark Bonner temporary manager at Cambridge after Joe Dunne sacking.
  11. Well I hope not for his sake but you do think he's not a full Bob really. Shame really. I used to love watching his attacking play. Woman behind me used to shout 'don't try and be too clever Jack' I'd think sod off. I could go on there and be not clever . My view was be clever. Amaze me.
  12. I think you have missed the word extension. It's a big one I know.
  13. Dont think i said that at all. one. I haven't seen he was offered one. Two. I am surprised we are in a financial position to offer contracts before Jan as we don't normally do and I don't think our cash situation has improved.
  14. An extension to a contract. Unlike us to act before the end of the season.
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