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Everything posted by astottie

  1. And he missed another just before they went 2 up.
  2. Should have been one up before they scored. Dummy put one on a plate for Lang
  3. cobblers down to ten men missilou fouled again
  4. and as soon as i re read my post i knew that was coming. Fine effort sir
  5. i should probably know the answer to this but where is La Paz?
  6. Ashton Delighted at the Cross. Spent many an afternoon there as a nipper
  7. There is a SF story by Asimov I think where the crowd at the crucifixion are time travelling tourists on holiday. Could this be the case at BP? All of us attending have won our tickets? Evidence is that no one has offered to buy mine. Spooky!
  8. I have won 2 main stand tickets fr this game through the Latics lottery and as I am a season ticket holder can't use them. If anyone would like them pm me with an offer - does £20 the pair sound unreasonable? - donated to player share or the upkeep of this website, up to you.
  9. Do you get extra points for predicting that some latics fans wouldn't be allowed in?
  10. After many years of being on this site I have developed a theory that if you come on here around 6.30pm on a Saturday without knowing the score you will be able to tell the result by the number of pages of responses there are which is p. The benchmark is 10 pages which is x. Latics score is x minus p. The oppo score is p minus x or 0 whichever is higher. I have deliberately not listened for the result today and my theory say we won 3-0. Am I close?
  11. Whoop whoop! 1-0 super sam Double whoop whoop!2-0
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