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Everything posted by astottie

  1. So long and thanks for the last minute Bury goal that will live long in the memory.
  2. Bristol you come on here and talk sense and are not antagonistic in your posts. i always respect your views and usually agree with them. Tonight however Archiecat has a valid point in my opinion. Just because i have never seen a player play doesnt mean my view is invalid if it is based on evidence. Miller has played around 200 games and scored around 40 goals in the last 12 years roughly. So 18 games and 4 goals a year , again roughly. In my opinion he started off at the top as a youngster and didnt live up to his potential and has dropped through the leagues living on this potential ever since. BP1960 who knows far more about these things than me has compared him to the unit that is Ade Akinfenwa. In the last 18 years roughly , he has played around 650 games and scored about 190 goals. More pertinently in the last 3 seasons has has played 160 games and scored nearly 50 goals. My comparison with Miller is that Akinfenwa has succeeded knocking around the bottom division that we are in because of learned street craft and using his skill. I am not convinced Miller has shown evidence that he is able to do either, but i would love to be proved wrong. Apologies if the 'stats ' aren't bang on but i couldnt be arsed to add up accurately :}
  3. I'd definitely contribute. My daughter has CP and I have found that most clubs have definitely got their heads around physical disability and we have had some excellent treatment and customer service from them. Autism is something i think they aren't as clued up on (or us fans to be honest) so it's good it's being recognised as an area to be developed.
  4. Fair point but can you imagine the slagging off you would have got on here from us fans? never play for the club again and flog him to anyone that will have him, or just flog him!
  5. i know what you mean but being counter intuitive couldnt you argue it's the perfect time? Safe in the knowledge they are going to behave in front of their adoring public.
  6. i suppose some of the exceptions that prove the rule would be Derby away 86? wolves away '90? Millwall home about 2007 Theres a Yeovil in there somewhere. Ronnies first game.
  7. thank you. i am really looking forward to it. there were times last year when i thought i'd almost got the hang of it.
  8. if we cant have hope 4 days before the season starts then god help us. I find it peaks at 2.55pm on the first day of the season especially if we are playing at home and i'm walking down the Sheepfoot Lane. however it's usually dissipated by 3.45. there have been a couple of anomalies. Cardiff home around 1985 springs to mind. 2 up after five minutes and going to storm the league. Drew 2 a piece. it's the hope that kills ya
  9. Right I am in, so back off. I never lived in East Germany but being pursued by the Stazi must have been like this. I said I'd join i was just taking my time, it's not as if I forgot to post on time more than anyone else last year is it? oh wait.....
  10. Permanent or on loan Mick? I think he still has 12 months left at Leicester
  11. 20 potential first teamers there. So with at least 2 more needed. I would suggest thats too big a squad for us to be carrying so some more need to leave.
  12. No! It was an in depth knowledge of world football. Or making my predictions after several pints. The next few days results will be the proof of the pudding. Lump on France 2-0 v the Aussies.
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