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Everything posted by astottie

  1. We are winning this 3-2. Nailed on wahaaaaaay
  2. Whooooooooooo! no wind effect this time just excitement ?
  3. Radio manc commentator saying wind assisted which I thought was a bit harsh
  4. Whoooooooooooo! that was the wind effect by the way ?
  5. Bloody hell we'd best get in touch with Bury for the name of the guy who did their dressing room extension.
  6. Well let us know if you do. On current evidence I'd be hard pushed to back us staying up.
  7. BBC has just mentioned Brian Wilson committing a foul
  8. If it is I wonder who is playing left wing back? I am surprised edmundson is in before Stott or Wilson for that matter.
  9. Excellent. Seems to make as much sense as the rest of the bollocks that's going on at the club at the moment
  10. I suppose when I said ex latics player i meant someone who had played for us in a game.pedantic, me?
  11. At the risk of being corrected Ryan Bertrand first ex latics player to score for England?
  12. Why have we only 3 subs according to BBC
  13. He's not sounding a very happy bunny is he?
  14. JCH just missed a sitter to equalise st Huddersfield
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