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Everything posted by astottie

  1. and as York have now slipped to below national league he was probably not going to be on too much there
  2. that's my take on it too. most of his career he's been Number 2
  3. Bloody hell had we really won 4 games before January? It seemed fewer .
  4. Don't you push the boat out?Oh hang on this is latics.....
  5. Hallworth eventually. Before the 1990/91 season Royle bought John Keeley who had always had a blinder against us for Brighton to replace Hallworth. Keeley then got injured - broken finger?- in the last week of pre season. Hallworth stepped up to play the first game of the season at Wolves and played every game that season if my memory serves.
  6. apologies if I have missed something but is he being linked to us?
  7. Isn't he on a permanent contract with Sheff U -signed a 21/2 year deal in january so hard to imagine he has fallen out of favour so quickly. Unless we have made them an offer they can't refuse Was Evina released by Donny at the end of the season? I rated him when he was here on loan and have been surprised he hasn't been playing at a higher level. There were times last year he was on the bench for Donny. Another year on his contract but fell out of favour half way through the year and they were trying to get rid of him.
  8. Not quite sure we need to have a role of dishonour. There but for the grace of God go us. next.
  9. Someone on here said Bury, but then again I suppose you could link every bugger with Bury at the moment.
  10. Between Beckford and Vaughan and Holloway and Davies, I 'd reckon Vaughan and Beckford would be the preferred option. However Beckford and Vaughan in a team managed by Mr Glum or Davies and Holloway in a team managed by Shez and it's the latter, no contest.
  11. I think this is a decent signing and hopefully could turn out to be better than that. My view of our preparation so far is firstly that we have kept everybody I would have liked to have kept from last year (Ripley excepted of course), secondly have got rid of those who didn't quite do enough for me and then have made 2 solid signings who have proved reasonably successful at this level in the past and who I expect to be starters in the first XI. Plus it's not the end of June and we must have over 3/4 of the squad in place. I think we are heading in the right direction.
  12. There's a lot to be said for the wisdom of 6 year olds. I remember watching England on the TV with my daughter who was 6/7 and trying to explain the concept of the national team i.e. It's made up of the best players from all the club teams. She thought about it for ten seconds and said which one's Chrissie Porter?
  13. Joey Beauchamp from West Ham according to Wiki. Fjortoft cost £500k and scored 27 in 72. sold to Boro for £1.3m 2 years later
  14. This has to be one of the finest posts ever on here. Brilliant effort. surprised you missed Earl Barrett
  15. Nail head hammer. Hopefully in something like that order.
  16. can't see the signing of a nobleman or two making a difference either to be honest
  17. Didn't he play most of last season at Walsall? I don't think he matches up to the calibre of some of their other signings. Clark must be like a kid in a sweet shop
  18. I will be in it, but you have given me an idea.I should enter with a pseudonym (ascottie, perhaps) so that no one associates me with my sorry efforts over the past couple of years.Only one correct first scorer all season, i ask you - and that was in April!.
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