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Everything posted by astottie

  1. 5 of their last 6 games are against teams in the bottom 8. they could have a big say in it
  2. where did you get that from singe I make it 3 in 8?
  3. Vaughan has pulled one back. Surely they can't keep hold of him next year. He's formidable in this division.
  4. Not just because of the Bury angle either. Let's keep Oxford keen. They have to play Vale, Shrewsbury and Coventry yet. However it is good to see the Lee Clarke effect kicking in, just a bit later than I expected.
  5. Especially during the minutes silence, what was that about? Plus their players didn't wear arm bands. Has the news not reached Yorkshire yet? Good point and good performance in my opinion. It was the least that Ripley has had to do in a game for ages. Wilson did brilliantly against the blundering Hanson and unfortunately edmundson struggled with him which led to their goal. Fine shot though and edmundson did other parts of his game well. Gerrard is improving with each game and his block On Lavery was superb. i think we are getting better with each game. Shez changed the formation today to suit the opposition and we looked comfortable with it. Taylor and Law were wing backs but spent the majority of the game in sheffields half. The back three first half were immense. The front two ran their bollocks off and won loads of ball. Greens pass inside the full back for Law to cross for the goal was perfect. I was disappointed with Sheffield for a side which is clear at the top, however they rested some of their more creative players and I think they might have picked a side for the pitch. Vale and Gillingham might have expected to gain points on us today and they didn't. Small steps but smiling tonight.
  6. I would be amazed if we got 10 points. However I think he is overly optimistic with his predictions for other teams as well
  7. They've not hung onto too many leads this season......
  8. Yep and could do with Millwall keeping involved and playing well as they have to play gillingham swindon and Shrewsbury yet
  9. The lad who scored that cracking header for them on his debut against us has scored again tonight, Thomas.
  10. Lee Glover assistant at Peterborough gone. Can we take credit for this one?
  11. I'd prefer fewer teams in it and us not to be one of them
  12. Harry just think where you are. This means the woman behind me will feel unable to call him a lazy :censored: for the first ten minutes of the next home game.
  13. Sorry I will take the blame However is there a chance we'll move up a place ?
  14. Nil nil half timeVales next five games are winnable but then it becomes tricky. I think they have to win tonight However if they do then the shrews are closer to us and their games to come are not easy My preference shrews win
  15. Woman who sits behind me has been slagging erwin off all season. When he was subbed last night she was apoplectic. For God's sake Shez leave him on to let him get his hat trick. I love us footie fans☺
  16. Oh come on Disjointed, you know better than that! The worrying is the only part we enjoy, it's the hope that kills us.
  17. I see what you are doing there.vale away friday?
  18. Did hill score and if so is that 2 in 2 weeks? Oh and also isn't he a hundred and three now?
  19. I think it's quite likely that the side who loses next week will go down. No pressure and I am going on a long planned family day out to Crufts. Rough.
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