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Everything posted by astottie

  1. Anybody listening to 5 live tonight? They are absolutely desperate to get Martinez sacked. Kilbane, Connor somebody or other, Lennon, McCoist and the main man Pugatch? Not sure that's their job.
  2. Why, is it something we do a lot? Isn't there a limit to the number of teams that can go up and that we can congratulate?
  3. I don't think it was any different to the other grounds that got semis at the time. OT, VIlla Park, Highbury, Maine Road. Bizarrely in those days grounds were allocated semis based on geography and which best suited fans for travel and not for making the most dosh. Thank god for progress
  4. I would wholeheartedly agree with you on this. Would love to see them specifically but also the people of Liverpool Get closure but really can't see it happening. This has a long time to run.
  5. Apologies if this has been referred to elsewhere and I have missed it but my understanding is that the club is going to refund the money in weekly waves. I don't know how this will happen but i assume they can't afford to pay everyone at once I hope it's not going to be in alphabetical order
  6. Putting barriers up to control the crowds now I believe..
  7. assuming you mean Sheridan garnett and duxbury I would suggest that 6 of the other 8 made very decent careers for themselves in football. And hotte and innes didn't do too shabby. Would have loved to have had careers like theirs.
  8. Are we getting battered early doors? Possession is 28/72% and 0 corners to 4 for them
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