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Everything posted by astottie

  1. The impression he gave me was that Kelly is the new boss who picks the team and Johnson isn't.Sorry if I don't do anything more Machiavellian
  2. He's lib dem. he'll go to whoever offers the parliamentary car
  3. 22 shots against 12 is something I suppose. At least we are attacking.
  4. Has he glued that crystal ball back together?
  5. That's why I put the? mark in. This 2 up 2 down malarkey in the fourth division just confuses me so I never know who's in it now. Went on a Tuesday night about 1992 league cup glen keeley in goal lost 2-1 if memory serves.
  6. Any ground where I've seen a competitive game for me who are part of the current 92, old or new grounds. Up to 60 currently but it was 68 bizarrely about 10 years ago. Think there are at least 8 grounds where I've seen latics in the league who are now non league Southport Halifax Alder shot Scarborough Grimsby Wrexham Macc Barrow Stockport Cambridge?
  7. chambers managing to ingratiate himself with the team then Hope they don't start to analyse his journalistic ability. Wouldn't take them long
  8. And if it goes tits up then loan a young prem keeper or an older reserve keeper from somewhere
  9. another god almighty pile up - at the end today. There will be no bugger left it carries on like this. I wouldn't want Tony Martin to be doing my lottery numbers
  10. Fine effort Crusoe but how can you have missed Nicky Banger?
  11. no nonsense means knocks people over and no ability
  12. I thought the first thing she did when she took over was bring in Hollands pies. Can't see there being too much call for red wine gravy in Haslingden
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