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Everything posted by astottie

  1. Shame that you feel the need to go. we will miss your reports from the meetings with LJ as well as your other comments on all things Latics. KTF and good luck. Takes a lot of bottle to cut the thread.
  2. Simpson flapped at a cross or 2, made a super save and kept a clean sheet, all grist to the mill.
  3. yep would agree totally . Not sure if what I've said necessarily contradicts that.
  4. so to sum up... some of the posters on here are so aware that they see things in the game about players and tactics that that the rest of us are unable to see or some of the posters on here talk so much bollocks that the rest of us are baffled Discuss
  5. Thought he did ok to be honest. Oxley went down that early the forward had ages to jump over him but just tripped himself up on him and the ref was right next to Martin who went down expecting contact that never came. As for Clark harris, booking waitiing to happen. You can't barge people after the ball has gone
  6. Has anybody ever heard or read a player say the support was crap today and really affected our performance? Cue thread on the lowest number of away fans at a game.
  7. thanks Josh, am enjoying reading your blog. Keep going
  8. During our promotion season ( his only full season) Redfearn was outstanding for us and a major reason why we went up and won the league.I spoke to him once during the season and went out with some mates with him just after the end of the season and he was a really nice guy, I read his autobiography a couple of years ago and every chapter is basically the same. Joined club, settled in well, enjoy it and really impress. get left out for a game or two and fall out with manager (his fault not mine) somebody else comes in and makes an offer and I leave (for footballing reasons). Joined club, settled in well, enjoy it .......... The guy is a real Latics legend even if only for a brief time and for younger fans I really hope you can one day experience the emotion of that crazy afternoon. Mind you if today is anything to go by it might not be far off....
  9. Stevenage already subbed full back possibly before he got sent off for kicking dayton. Morais on so presumably a rejig for them and fingers crossed for Brown.
  10. So, quick and agile forwards go past defenders at pace, get caught and oppo gets sent off. Looking good for us this season then,,,
  11. well I suppose you could argue he's improving with player choice, we got Warren Feeney
  12. Just a storming signing that.Can't believe the forwards we have (all ours) this season compared to the start of last.
  13. In the same way that no one is ever described as remonstrating with anyone other than a referee, do you only ever get a wag in a football crowd?
  14. now you've just gone and spoiled the afternoon
  15. it read to me as he would have liked another in alreadybut there was going to be another in before Saturday. One thing I have been impressed with so far from LJ is that has had all his signings in for the pre season friendlies whereas with PD i felt we always had at least one or two coming in in the last week. This could all go belly up if the Rooney deal falls thru though.
  16. I'd missed that Scott Arfield had fetched up there.
  17. yep definitely saw him play there against Mossley start of the season before last when some of us thought he was the much rumoured, about to be signed, Xander Diamond!
  18. Thanks to everyone who responded to this question in one way or another it's much appreciated. I found the responses very informative but was staggered to find out that fewer than 100 people contribute regularly. I pay £4 pm I think, which if it was done by everyone would amount to less than £100 pw which isn't going to buy anything to be quite honest. Great effort by those who contribute though, should they have automatic upboats? I can remember the Latics of the late 80's - Alan Hardy era- announcing incredible thing happening at Latics, come and listen to the big announcement at the Civic hall, only to discover it was the launch of the Star Line lottery.That was meant to finance BFJ's signings and i think it was very successful although I do remember AH saying it had helped finance the signing of Ricky Holden for £170,000 when I thought the sale of Tonking Tommy Wright for £300,000 2 months earlier had done that. I think the idea of canvassing at games is a good one and I would be prepared to do this if anyone was able to organise it, Thanks again KTF
  19. Hi Mr Hill From your posts I assume (dangerous I know) that you are one of the organisers of player share. If so would you be able to answer me 3 questions 1). How many people contribute on a regular basis and 2) how much is contributed in total per month? I would guess, judging by the number of people who comment on it regularly on here, that we are looking at around 120 -200 people contributing between £2 and £10 per month, so anything between £240 and £2000 per month. 3)What, if any, is the link to the trust? If any, or all of this, is answered elsewhere then please point me in that direction. Thank you!
  20. I will volunteer(selflessly) to hold someones coat, camera or enlarging device.
  21. As a fully fledged,dedicated, semi life long Latics fan who watched every home FA cup game against Premier League opposition on the telly last year, I would just like to express my disgust that Barry Owen did not consult with me first about this event when he could have held it at the first class/ cheap venue at the end of our street/local area. I think it’s my right as someone who bought/might have bought a season ticket/cuddly Chaddy Owl/lucky draw ticket to have had choice of menu and to have been driven to the ‘do’ by LJ in his super stretched limo Dinky car. Oh, and it should have been on a Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/Friday/ Saturday/Sunday ( delete as applicable). And who voted for Lee Johnson, anyway?
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