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Everything posted by astottie

  1. I'm not going to post a link to it (can't be bothered) but some big noise on the council (possibly the leader) who was at the Everton game, was quoted in the Chron ' i enjoyed it so much I might think of getting a season ticket, 'I know it will show some naivety on my part but I would have thought that as a representative of the people of Oldham this should be a given.
  2. leading one nil at HT. Not a great surprise as County have gone off the ball and look like they are ready to go on their hols already, not going up and not going down but thought they might put enough into it to beat what has been a struggling Bury side of late. Thought with tonights and tomorrows results Bury could have been as good as down by 5 tomorrow. Not the case at the moment. Jeff Hughes not starting for County, been one of the best midfielders in this league for the past 3 seasons.
  3. I would agree.I think hes got an awful lot going for him and I rate him hugely. In 5 minutes on Saturday we saw the high and lows of his ability, Firstly Jevalic broke and Tarky ran after him looking like he was running thru treacle, then he hit THAT pass to Simpson. If he had reasonable pace he wouldn't be playing for us but I think he might have a very good carer in front of him. And well done TP on picking him, as has been said on here before PD didn't fancy him.
  4. sorry John that was me. When I posted ten minutes inI said I was worried about the team changes, I then said I wouldn't have played Furman, just after he'd scored. I was being ironic. Similarly when Tarky scored and we we went 2-1 up I said I would have rested Tarky. I was trying to be funny. Obviously it didn't work and i am very sorry.
  5. I did fancy our chances tonight with Stevenage struggling lately, poor home form and us doing well in last couple of games, but to be honest with those team changes and going one down after 10 I thought we were in big trouble. However we have a lot going for us at the moment - strongest squad we've had all season (you would have brought any of that bench on except for Millar), 2 good wins ( and performances) on the bounce, good team spirit and ability to come back from behind and a manager who really seems to have the magic touch at the moment. I've stopped typing for 10 minutes to listen to a magnificent interview on Radio Manchester with TP. If they do iplayer and you can listen to it again then do , it's excellent. I think 2 weeks ago we agreed 7/8 wins out of 16 would do it. 2 out of 2 ain't a bad start. COYB!!!
  6. I know it was me.What a pillock! I should have listened on the radio and then I wouldn't have made the silly comments I did, would I ?
  7. and another thing. I can't believe he's playing Furman instead of Wes or Baxter......
  8. I have only just seen the team and we were already one down so this could be seen as being able to give a view in hindsight but I'm staggered by this selection. The only one I can see that makes any kind of sense is Smith in for Iwelumo. Byrne possibly but at CB not at RB for Brown who gave his most accomplished performance yet on Saturday. Definitely looks like he's prepared to lose tonight and bank all on Saturday. I thought we had a chance tonight as Stevenage have a home record almost as bad as ours and (I think) have lost 4 from the last 5. However there are 81 minutes to go and TP knows a damned sight more thant me about it as he has shown already. So KTF and COYB (and fingers crossed)
  9. I'd be amazed if they sell them all let alone sell them all before Sunday without going on open sale. How many home fans were there on Saturday about six and a half thousand, on a Saturday evening close to home? I think a lot of those who went on Saturday will opt for the warm fire, couch and tv option on Tuesday.
  10. watched the last 20 minutes when we got back from the match on ITV+1, very strange to see it so soon after watching it live. Starting panicking when the fist corner was cleared and injury time was up!
  11. I listened to the full Liverpool game on the Monday night with a large glass of red, it was brilliant miles better than the telly. Pat Nevin is superb, 'Everton are panicking now, they're lumping the ball anywhere' 'Matt Smith is a force of nature!'
  12. Can still remember the BBC's caption on screen when he was being interviewed on cup final day - Malcolm Crosby Caretaker/Manager Still makes me chuckle
  13. Rang the ticket office at 9.05 and said I believe season ticket holders can get an extra ticket for the Everton game to which the response was 'sorry but I don't know anything about it' All sorted in the end though and they are being posted out.
  14. he'll never come here as we never have enough pies as it is
  15. I wasn't that worried when he came on because I think he's decent,but was interested how he was going to fit in as I couldn't see him playing down the the left, which he didn't, He strengthened the midfield to a 3 and we gambled on having no left mid which put an awful amount of pressure on Grounds which he dealt with admirably, however Winchester did wander down the left occasionally and his run and cross for the third goal were sublime!!
  16. so we're signing Wellens and Derbyshire? Brilliant! That will strengthen the bench for Tuesday.
  17. I was told this before the game but to be honest can't believe it even though I think it might be the right decision. For 2 reasons - 1) we would get grief from the press/media who are all over us like a rash at the minute, and 2) I don,t believe Grayson would choose us so soon after he has been sacked and the same source told me he was the replacement.
  18. I was saying the same to anyone who would listen as he was making the substitution. With 5 minutes left as a desperate measure, fine, i can understand that but not with 15 - 20 minutes left. It takes as it's premise that the opposition won't attack but they are bound to with that amount of time left and today Donaldson was stood on his own where Byrne should have been. It also reduces the attacking threat of Wabara has he has to focus on defending. I do wish he'd stop doing it.
  19. sorry, my mistake will go away until February!
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