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Everything posted by astottie

  1. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsUpdate/0,,10337~2546489,00.html youths hammered
  2. Gordon Bennett, how long is that list of membership schemes for ticket priority! And for those with a dog called called Shankly who has crapped 3 times on Gladwys Street during the 2011/12 season, it's ten bob off a scouse pie.....
  3. the suggestion seems to be that Liverpool want it on the Friday night the logic of which escapes me at the moment.I think we would push for the Sunday unless TV is interested in the Friday.
  4. on a similar note , was walking out tonight and heard a Latics fan say she didn't realise Ryan Lowe was on the pitch until he scored.....
  5. I appreciate that my memory may be going but didnt Gunnar sign fo us the season after? I thought I saw his debut at Watford.
  6. yep and if memory serves, Julian Dicks battered one against the bar from about 30 yards with 20 minutes left.
  7. Great will do! Thanks for your help.
  8. Brilliant call Ackey. For anybody struggling, keep holding on and there are people who will help. To Gary Speed ,god bless him and his family.Hope the media (and the fans ) back off.
  9. Sorry to post like this but I've been trying to contact the people who run player share on here for the past half hour with no luck. The person I have pm'd is not able to receive PMs according to the email I am getting back and the PS email address doesn't seem to be working either. Any chance of anyone answering the following questions? much appreciated if you can, Hi Sorry to mither you with a pm but I was on the site and went on to the player share bit as I've been paying for about 3 months now and there are a couple of points I'd like to raise. Firstly I have never had any direct contact from PS, should I have done or should I come onto this site for info? Secondly when I joined there was much mention on the site of badges for members and i asked for mine to be sent but have received nothing. Are they for certain types of membership only, e.g. a certain sum of money and above? Just interested and realise you have a life so don't expect a quick response. Thanks
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15857261.stm Although they are very different players(i.e. one is skilfull and the other.....)I think this probably puts another nail in the likelihood of Simpson returning to and staying at Hudders.
  11. Just noticed this article on the BBC website http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15776021.stm and it brings back incredible memories. I was 13 and it was the first time I'd been allowed to go to an away game on my own. I went on a Yelloways bus from the middle of Oldham (Yorkshire Street?). We lived in Ashton so I had to get a 409 (No.9?)bus first. We got battered 3-0 and if I remember correctly Maurice Whittle missed a penalty (might be mixing that up with a 1-0 defeat there in the League) but that turned out to be the best part of the day. As we set off back it started to snow gently. I'm pretty sure in those days we came back through Buxton (again may be wrong). The snow got heavier and I remember us trying to get up a bloody steep hill in blizzard conditions and failing miserably with the coach sliding all over the place. In the end the driver gave up and we all found a cafe where I spent the 5 bob my mum had given me in case of emergency, on pudding chips peas, crisps, kit kats,cans of pop and the juke box. (It was later pointed out to me that the first thing I should have done was to use the emergency money to phone home to let them know I was OK, but I knew I was fine so why bother? The telly was on in the cafe and I remember us all being gobsmacked that Super Mac had scored nine - we knew who he was even if the rest of the football world didn't. We then went outside and spent a pleasant hour pushing cars up the hill before the council came and gritted / ploughed it and we set off for home. We arrived back in Oldham about 11.30 and I rang my Aunty (we had no phone) to ask my dad to come and pick me up (we had no car so he had to borrow my cousin's mini).I was slightly surprised at the rather frosty reception I got off my dad but this was nothing compared to what I got off my mum when we got home. She went absolutely mental. Having being expected home by 8pm at the latest, she had decided her only child was in a ditch somewhere and her relief was not going to be displayed by a hug and 'glad you're safe son, sorry they lost', but but by having my arse kicked all around the house. Fortunately I got away with a ban for the rest of the season(reduced to 3 games on appeal) and enjoyed the delights of our first season back in the Third Division. Strange it was Chesterfield again yesterday 40 years later, long time for revenge! Happy days!
  12. I lost my quid on Kuqi first goal/4-1 win Latics double, Couldn't believe as we were coming out that someone was picking up at the bookies! Possibly a punt on Lee first goal? Surely not a correct score prediction!
  13. Didn't see this one coming. I know someone somewhere will have the big list of managers who have been sacked following the ignominy of being beaten by little latics but this must take the biscuit. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15675372.stm 1404 games in charge and we are the final straw!
  14. I know its all about opinions but for me only 3 outfield players really showed up yesterday and Taylor was one one of them, Sometimes i don't know what the poor lad has to do to get a positive response on here.
  15. surely if he was continually refusing to change a winning side then it couldn't be costing us. (I think)
  16. All bet's off in the 'oxymoron of the year' competition! But yes i'd have Diamond back too. Mvoto has not reached the heights of last year's performances yet.
  17. Really glad she enjoyed her day Prozac and yes Lisa and the BB crew are an absolute credit to the club. However there is a significant number of fans at the club (some who post on here) whose belief is that if you take your child into an 'adult environment' then you should expect to hear and accept 'adult language and behaviour' and if you're not happy then you should go somewhere else. Maybe not my understanding of the word adult, but there you go.Hope she still likes the Pink shirt. KTF
  18. I did mention at one point that it looked like we'd bought the 'new ideas from set pieces ' book this week. Not all of them came off and one looked over elaborate but one came off and i'd settle for that every game.
  19. Is it just me or does anyone else find it slightly disturbing that we've beaten Scunny away tonight, for the second time this season, and none but a couple of people have even acknowledged it? Maybe slightly disturbing but not surprising - we won
  20. a point often raised on here usually in the 'we need a 20 goal a season man' threads, is that to score goals you need decent delivery into the box and we don't have that. In the 2 games I have seen since Kuqi's arrival he has scored 2 goals from superb crosses and there have been other examples in each game of excellent delivery from both dead balls and open play. It sounds like there was more of it last night as well. I wonder if the fact that we have got someone who can put them away more often than not is anything to do (possibly subconsciously) with the improvement in delivery or whether the quality of cross is just the same as it always was but it looks better with someone to get on the end of it.
  21. played left back Saturday agianst Stevenage to accomodate other players in the back four
  22. Bought one for my 11 year old daughter 2 years ago so she was 9 then! if you're interested I will enter into negotiations with her but it might take you me and Jimmy carter to do the deal as she usually strikes a hard bargain ! Not sure how to pm on here
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