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Everything posted by astottie

  1. yep would agree, said he was at fault not that they were his fault, Thought Stanley made the game be played in our half and when we made a mistake we were therefore immediately under pressure.
  2. very impressed by him, thought he ran the show and from midfield not up front as some others seem to be suggesting (I was on the side) can't believe he has only played 10 games, a class act ( on the evidence of one game )
  3. very impressive on the ball and ran strongly at their defence on several occasions. Dodgy defensively early on being at fault for both of the 2 goals, only half won a tackle with the ball falling to Putterill and failed to cover Hazell for the 2nd after hazell had covered him. However he's 17 and there was a load to be happy about. He could go far (on the strength of one game )
  4. yep think that might blow his chance of a contract now. he has lost the chance to push on from the impression he made in the second half on Saturday
  5. They'd have to let everyone in for nowt though Pukka not just away fans and I wouldn't have thought that there was too much differrence between the Dale attendance and Pools one last night. I think they are just trying to make hay while the sun shines Apologies if this has already been mentioned but I've only just noticed it. The Cheltenham game was abandoned as well last night with only 24 minutes left and they have already announced ticket holders will get half price admission to the rearranged game. http://www.ctfc.com/page/LatestNews/0,,10434~2206308,00.html
  6. The bit about discussions going to take place about ticket arrangements makes me more convinced than ever that Dale have no intention of allowing free admission to ticket holders ,otherwise an announcement would have been made already as with Hartlepool
  7. been going on for a couple of months at least Mike, they must have delusions of grandeur and think they should be like the Times
  8. there are league rules on this and if memory serves from previous such experiences, Stoke at home for one, I think there is no obligation on clubs to give money back or allow entry to another game if the original one has started. I think it's down to the club but i may be wrong
  9. seems to have disappeared off the Chesterfield website now. lets hope they've not hit the first snow going over the Snake
  10. I think what sealed it for the Ref was that he also had decided to go for a drink and get his bottle from behind the net as the ball flew past him. It was also a minute after he'd warned him
  11. several years ago watching an England international game, I tried to explain to my 6 year old that the England team were made up from the best players from each club side in England. Her response was 'which number is Chrissie Porter then'?
  12. I thought it was just brilliant, summed up being a Latics fan. Won 3-1 away 7th in the league with a home game to come, just had full match commentary on GMR and what do we get when they ask for Latics fans to phone in? Mr Bigot knocking the club - Priceless!
  13. Really didn't understand why he had to make the substitutions at all. 15 minutes left one up and you take your most dangerous player off - which coaching manual is that in? Tonka was keeping their defence busy and Taylor was getting into likely positions. Replacing them with the ineffectual Brooke and Feeney and taking Jones off when he and Lee had the right hand side bottled up simply handed the initiative to Orient and they took advantage of it. The error of the changes was reinforced when Mvoto caused more problems in his 5 minute cameo up front than Brooke and Feeney did together.
  14. His autobiography (One Neil Redfearn, I think) is very interesting to start with but after the 17th 'I'd had a good season but felt the manager didn't appreciate me, so had to move on for a nice signing on fee' it does start to wear a bit...
  15. work in Leeds only 3 chaps in the office, 2 went to the game tonight , I was not one of them Will be in t the crack of dawn.... oh happy day...
  16. My 10 year old had PAV 9 on the new kit bought for her in May. We were on holiday when he was sold and it took me a few days to tell her. She spent the rest of the hols with it lying on her pillow slleping with her head on it at night. She's not wanted to wear it since and i more or less forced her to wear it on Saturday so she spent the whole game pressed down in her seat so no one could see it. My god us football fan fathers don't half inflict some emotional damage on our kids!
  17. please come on here and leave a view when you have seen it. I reckon you could have blamed anyone of 3 of ours and the one certainty was that there was no excellent play on their part, but I accept I know bugger all so feel free to tell me I'm wrong!
  18. at the risk of a Titanic moment http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...2140667,00.html
  19. at the risk of a Titanic moment http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...2140667,00.html
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