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Everything posted by astottie

  1. Wouldn't support Murdoch if he took me to Hillsborough in his personal helicopter and got page 3 girls to bring me my pie and rub me down with Bovril at half time. I know the words nose, spite, cut and face spring to mind but I would rather pay full price.
  2. we commented on it yesterday, I've never seen it before. Don't think I'll see it again if they come off when we are 2 nil down either...
  3. sorry but I don't understand a word of it too old I guess
  4. you could be right and i could have been well hooked - let's hope so
  5. yep crap that. didn't win 93 nil after all the money he's had to spend and the squad he's inherited, Experienced manager like him coming to a successful club with a settled team and good support Dickov out
  6. brilliant Stevie but with a bit more effort I think you could have got homosexuality and pensions in there
  7. Spot on Similarity to the start of last season where we have played what is likely to be one of, if not the, worst side in the division. 2 differences 1. this season away, last season home 2. this season took chances Couldn't have wished for a better start really but that's what it is a start. Long way to go and better teams ahead but you can only win and today we did. Think I might pop down to Scunny now, but one thing's for certain it can't be as exciting as last time. Sign up Garry Mc for the night! KTF
  8. and there are 2 triallists in tonights squad at Rhyll...... If we did get these 2 then I would suggest they are exactly the type of players we should be getting on loan. Like :censored: and Blackman in fact. Lets hope more :censored: than Blackman..
  9. seems to be more and more of them on here over the past few weeks,,,,
  10. would really love you to be right but can't help thinking we are all getting VERY giddy after a couple of home friendly victories against teams 3 weeks off the start of their season. Anything better than a flirt with relegation would be a success in my view. Lets all chill and just see what happens eh. Tom Eaves is not the messiah and Pawel Abbott is not the devil incarnate. We are latics and the truth will hopefully lie somewhere in between KTF
  11. No Pav in squad and no explanation http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...2103774,00.html Did someone on here say Dickov had issued him with a lose weight ultimatum?
  12. yep I think you are right you would look like a tit, but well done for even considering it. Stand by though for a whole load of responses questioning your loyalty for buying the boy a pint and not pouring it over the head of the soft, over paid, limping, mummy's boy.snivelling, half hearted,,,,,,,you get my drift.
  13. I think it looks ok and agree with the point about using the home kit extras with it - a club not trying to make people buy extra shorts and socks and spend more money what is going on? I'd like to think it was deliberate but is probably just a missed opportunity b the comm dept. on the subject of 3rd kits I think all clubs should be forced by the league to have 2 kits only. It would be easy to manage e.g. all teams have one kit which is white and then there would be no clashes and would stop clubs ripping off the kids.(or do I mean parents?)
  14. I thought part of that was included in various clauses , some of which were forfeited in exchange for us taking Ormerod on loan
  15. I know what you mean about Brighton and PV but I have seen him (only 60 minutes granted) against Wigan and i thought he looked the part. Pretty quick read the game well, passed it out of defence which dictated the way we played the game and brought Stephens into things straight away. He put some very good tackles in and is taller than I remember. I think the deal is perfect for the club, if he maintains it sign him up and if he doesn't fire him off. Only 60 minutes I know but i think he could be more than back up
  16. A lot to be pleased about, tried to pass the ball and closed down quickly winning a lot of second ball. At times penned Wigan back for 2 to 3 minutes at a time. Also supported man with the ball well Gave the ball away a few times but usually when trying to pass out of trouble Strengths -Jarrett looked a real option at CB and his passing or bringing the ball out influenced what the team did. Stephens outstanding and Jones looked very handy Concerns - I like Black but he dropped 3 bollocks tonight and only got away with 2 of them. It happens too often and to be first choice he must rid them from his game. Up front I thought Feeney and Brooke did little with the ball - i don't think either had a shot. However they did some running about and we did create a large number of chances just not for the forwards. Hope Dickov's 'little cameo' got it out of his system because do that in a real game and he would have been off without kicking the ball. He will be a useful addition for the last ten minutes of games though All in all a useful exercise but it will be interesting to see how Wigan do because for the majority of the game the looked slipshod. Mind you in brief glimpses Moses and Rodallega were awesome
  17. I think it's because their new away kit hasn't arrived so the 2 home kits would clash. Think we are just being charitable. Mind you with their connections you'd think they'd be able to rustle up a spare kit!
  18. Good man Ackey, thanks for that. Better go and pick the thing up then seeing as how they have had my money for 2 months.
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