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Everything posted by astottie

  1. what freebie with season ticket, have I missed something?
  2. unless we win them in which case they are a good indication of what we can expect from the forthcoming season.....
  3. I saw everyone of them play for Latics and reckon Ellis and Rush got into double figures. Saw Fillerys debut at Hull stood behind the Co - op (me not him)
  4. possibly Brendan O'Callaghan in the days before time. Joe paid £55kish to Stoke I reckon and i don't remember seeing him before his career was over. A mate of mine who worked at the club at the time reckoned Joe and Willie decided that they needed a 6 foot plus centre half who could also play up front and spent one afternoon looking through Rothmans to see who fitted the bill before thy came up with him.
  5. not seen the bookies prices for the coming season but it would be interesting to see if 'Dale are a longer or shorter price than us to go up. Give me your fiver and I think I might put it on 'Dale finishing above us
  6. Colbeck rocket so lets hope the scouts are out in force and we've got it videod
  7. think Ive found the answer Go Go Go County http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ort/8816591.stm
  8. so this leaves us with 5 defenders (and that's stretching the point) so I would suggest it's clearing the decks to bring at least one more in I thought JJ was ok last year when I saw him and is a bit unlucky but maybe there is better available or at the club already. Purdie, well he is desperately unlucky but if he hasn't been playing then I can understand it. Worthington and Colbeck produced very little (at best) and we need people off the wage bill
  9. would be surprised if someone with his experience and wage expectations signs for us. We now have 7 strikers on the books so if there is to be another addition i think it will be for the triallist Jones/Kelly/Knight......
  10. I also think that 'Paul hints at new signings imminent ' footnote is a bit of a give away
  11. I got one and so did my mate Did AH mention just over 2,000 at one point?
  12. 15 games in his 3 years at Cardiff and no goals. Numerous injuries. Did better out on loan. His record earlier on in his career at County Bournemeouth and Luton is top drawer
  13. Don't think I'll be letting my ten year old know this news. Looked in at her on the way to bed last night and the furry fella's beak was sticking out from under the duvet ( the stuffed toy version not the original) Agree with everything that has been said, Chaddy was the best thing at latics for her both at the games and at the BB do's and a lot of that is down to Wayne. Well done and thanks
  14. and their keeper made the finest penalty save I have ever seen (yep same keeper that had a mare today)
  15. Sorry if I am being thick but what exactly are you wanting people to do?
  16. where have you got such a negative/cynical view from ? Oh, maybe the 2 behind me one of whom called him a 'Lanky C**t' and the other one ' Eaves you're fu**ng :censored:' I love our supporters too.
  17. was he the makeweight in the deal that took Bernard to Southampton?
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