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Everything posted by astottie

  1. 15 games in his 3 years at Cardiff and no goals. Numerous injuries. Did better out on loan. His record earlier on in his career at County Bournemeouth and Luton is top drawer
  2. Don't think I'll be letting my ten year old know this news. Looked in at her on the way to bed last night and the furry fella's beak was sticking out from under the duvet ( the stuffed toy version not the original) Agree with everything that has been said, Chaddy was the best thing at latics for her both at the games and at the BB do's and a lot of that is down to Wayne. Well done and thanks
  3. and their keeper made the finest penalty save I have ever seen (yep same keeper that had a mare today)
  4. Sorry if I am being thick but what exactly are you wanting people to do?
  5. where have you got such a negative/cynical view from ? Oh, maybe the 2 behind me one of whom called him a 'Lanky C**t' and the other one ' Eaves you're fu**ng :censored:' I love our supporters too.
  6. was he the makeweight in the deal that took Bernard to Southampton?
  7. Well done you glory boys!! They shall not pass!
  8. we've had 2 shots, we've had 2 shots, we've had 2 , Oldham's had .......
  9. level come on you glory boys, brick that goal up!
  10. and if my memory serves me right that afternoon they had to get a point away at City to definitley be safe but could afford to lose and still stay up as long as 3 other teams (including us) didn't all win. York lost and the other teams all won. Stand by for kicking from BB80
  11. really good call this by the powers that be, £50 still for a season ticket for a kid plus all the other add ons of the BB's, magnificent! Well done to Lisa and her crew who have really worked hard to keep the thing going under trying circs and the daft owl for amusing the kids and for being so loved by them (they are little after all!).
  12. I've posted about this on here before, there is a huge list of managers who have gone because they have done the unthinkable in losing to lowly Oldham (or drawing in Ince's case) A good number have been named so far but Lawrie McNemememememeney at Sunderland around 1986/7 is also a famous one following 2-1 win/defeat. Not helped by him or his missus winning the half time £1000 draw. Will always remember coming out of the ground and being faced by a baying crowd of mackems scaring me to death thankfully only shouting 'Lawrie out! Lawrie out!'
  13. I have heard that the Norway song is very good this year
  14. agreed. Good result for us, we now have 3 more points from 2 games than I expected us to, but Tranmere getting stuffed is a cracking result and the key one as they are 4th and the bottom 3 are as good as down. And Chelsea won despite the media falling over the genius of Sir A****h**e in playing his mind games. He was right, it was an easy win! A good neet for all!
  15. The real reason the Ginger Prince left early,,, http://www.morleyobserver.co.uk/news/Morle...ding.6056092.jp
  16. I mentioned the interview on here on tuesday night and it was a very interesting insight into a young man doing what loads of people would see to be a dream job. I don't think it is available on i player or similar which is a shame, he talks a lot about how the current situation is affecting different players differently. I don't know him so can't comment on his attitude , commitment to Latics or his mental health but I wouldn't wish depression on anyone. I would love to see him back to his best for Latics but think he might benefit from a move like the other home grown product who my young daughter thought was called 'Bloody hell' Eardley
  17. I mentioned the other week when Millar started for the first time and he let a pass go under his foot and out for a throw. Guy a few rows back from me called him a effin knob. I wonder why some people come and what they think they are going to contribute to the players performance and development
  18. Don't know if it has been mentioned elsewhere but Donny have agreed to Guy staying for the rest of the season which must be good news after his last 2 home performances
  19. 3 shots on and 4 off first half according to BBC text, Just got to say well done for making that trip, makes me embarassed that i couldn't get there from greenfield. take care and safe trip home. I will be back up there for the festival in the summer.
  20. seen the film , got the DVD and the Cd. they have all got many qualities, uplifting is not one of them... you should listen to the CT interview on Radio Manchester, barrel of laughs.
  21. Feels like he is now fully fit but not playing as well as he once did. Feels lacking in confidence and expects to hear the crowd giving him stick if he makes a mistake. Some players can just get on with it but it affects him Knows some fans would say he's a professional and shouldn't be affected by it but he is, Struggles to sleep sometimes with the worry. Feels the team lack confidence and know they should bring the ball down and play it but the pressure leads them to just punt it forward at times. Hope his mum has emptied the knife drawer.
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