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Everything posted by Stainrod

  1. Listened to radio 2 on the drive up today, Tony Blackburn's charts from this weekend back in 1972, what was number 1? Answer: Mouldy Old Dough, Lieutenant Pigeon, had to be an omen so I knew we'd win. Anyone know why we adopted that one?
  2. Yes just looked it up, Jan 1980 with a BP crowd of 12,151.
  3. I'll bet a few on here were at the FA cup match when we played Coventry at home and lost 1:0. Keeper John Platt miss-threw straight to Tommy Hutchison who promptly notched the winner. They were a top flight team then, really looked forward to and fancied us to beat them at the time. Early eighties was it?
  4. All quiet re this game on here. Expecting a win, if we have hopes of a top six finish (and why shouldn't we?) then we need to change draws into wins especially at home. Stating the obvious I know 2-0 to Latics.
  5. Thanks LP, thought Robins was later actually but how could I forget Jim Fryatt!!
  6. I tend to think that football fans typically are fanatic about their own club and can't stir up any interest in watching another match if their own team aren't playing. Watching games as a neutral can be really uninteresting (I'm talking about live games rather than dipping in and out of TV games) and so even on international weekends I am not sure that local premiership fans will turn up at BP unless pulled in by Latics supporting mates. Will a low priced ticket attract them? I am not so sure but must be worth a try.
  7. Ogden Wood Mulvaney Bowie Whittle Bryceland Heath Bebbington Shaw The team when I started supporting Latics, missed two out in the middle, anyone help me out here?
  8. Does it really irritate anyone else that when the Championship doesn't play the Football league show can't be bothered?
  9. I knew it, a confession teased out at last, thank you Mikey.
  10. Great interview on Player with this lad, comes over enthusiastic, likeable and up for the challenge. Hope he'll have a real go for us. Good luck Dominic.
  11. According to the Preston message board we were well on top for spells and unlucky to come away without a point. The constant griping on here gets depressing.
  12. Obviously he supports Man U he played for them throughout his career BUT if he didn't have a soft spot for Latics why would he attend games and be seen helping out and helping to promote the new away kit? Simples.
  13. Definitely Burton, being based in Stafford along with Port Vale, Walsall and Crewe they are good away days for me. Selfish I know.
  14. Crewe to go I would think, Notts only need a draw with us and my gut feel is that they will fight harder for it than we will, Preston will want to keep momentum and have enough to win at Crewe and I suspect the Trannies will get a desperate and panicky win at home to Bradford. Nice to be just observing it.
  15. While we were in the Premiership Preston were in the old 4th!
  16. I'd imagine that St Mirren fans would argue that ours must be a terrible league if Gary Harkins stands out!
  17. When I played for the school team at Bluecoat we used to play against a Grange team with Paul Hilton in, he went on to play regularly as centre back for West Ham in the eighties, didn't stand out as a footballer at school to me but he was known to be 'ard'.
  18. Contentious one this. I know that when we dropped from the Premiership we hoped we might bounce back but thought that we would once again be a solid tier two team and then when we dropped to league one we expected a swift return or certainly to operate at the top end and that didn't work out either, BUT, Surely we will be a successful club in league two if the worst came to the worst. Would this be that bad? My first days of supporting Latics came when we won the old Ford Sporting league back in the day, we had a really successful team, were fantastic at Boundary Park, rarely lost, scored lots of goals and won fans over. At the time I also followed Chelsea (they won the cup in 1970 and the Cup Winners cup in '71, that's what kids do) and so I used to get my dad to take me to City and Utd when they travelled North. Bear in mind this was the days of Best, Law and Charlton, Bell, Lee and Summerbee, and Osgood, Hudson and Hutchinson and which team did I pick....Oldham. The reason for that was that they were winning every time I saw them and scoring goals. My lad is 17 now and has given up because they have been in this league all his life!! We have lost a generation and maybe we need to drop, regroup have a bit of success in order attract a few new supporters who, like me, will be bitten by the Latics bug. The last thing I want is to go down this year but you have to admit it's becoming so boring.
  19. Sorry but I hate drumming it, it spoils watching the England matches for me with that band too. Watching football and musical instruments don't go. Not for me.
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