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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. l was believing him aswell wn they said there were '1 or 2 fans in the jimmy frizzell' until he said that about Big Mike. begrudgingly praised the goal and don't seam to like the Athleticos
  2. looks like the seals live man may be eating a pie on a muffin what a guy
  3. oh yes. is the white hart still open? l only drink 6-7 times per year now so my pub knowlege is not what it was!!
  4. lno you love a pub related anecdote that possibly only flirts with the truth, so did you know that late 80's early 90's when everyone was pilling and lovin each other? in stoke they were all still pilling, but instead of it making them focus on dancing and or loving it focused them into more intense fighting. weird cunts.
  5. your lot wanted it more, out ran us and out musclled us all over the pitch it looked like we were part timers from a lower league fuckin boooo
  6. indeed. l did put that originally for effect but l was jus goin home fans so l changed it. good tho init. and to think l was scoffed at when l said we will do 6000
  7. lno, lnoooo we will do this tho. l'm just waiting until the team gets a bit more muscelly
  8. dont go down to the basement, Phil and DO NOT smell the rag he offers you..
  9. bastards!! l've just cost you lot (if you pay your tv licence) £3000 by ignoring three fines tryna prove a point that it would be easier for them to just pay my fines direct lm not exactly succeeding in this current endevour
  10. some signs went up once but lve been parking there for over 20 years and only one 'fine' which l didnt pay and nothing happened. save the worry use the official car park. fuckinell lve jus realised lve had a driving licence for 25 years
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