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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. agreed. first pre season was top, then for about two months he couldnt control a ball, pass a ball or hit a warehouse. then he got better. then he went back. then he got better. theres defo ability there and Burton do alright with a project so he should 'kick on'.
  2. in july!!!!! broken in an angry scortish tackle by october l reckon
  3. bc its often outdated, full of lies and run by charlatans and 70's throwback idiots.
  4. proper mad how l listened and heard him say that we put no effort in and don't even do the things that are free. somebody else listens to the exact same thing and hears an ignored plea to spend money.
  5. hes not lightweight anymore he's beefy and he was Captain at FGR.
  6. to clash w the moon landings l fuckin hate ALMO n The Stench *Disclaimer- ahhh fuckoff nobody will be that dense, surely..
  7. eh that barry owen, he could start an argument in an empty stadium he could...
  8. if anybody ever hesitates w a story like this DON'T l love shit like that. if sumat like that happened today it would never be forgotten.
  9. Derby is spelt wrong on question 20, we couldn't have signed Mark Foran from mcdons on questionnnnn oh fuck errrrrr 4? bc they didn't exist and l'm pretty sure you all know what my score was #Aspergersisacurse
  10. Also, l know Ostriches don't actually do that thing theyre supposed to do. or at least for the reasons we decided that they do.
  11. be best for us all if l make a clapboard sign, buy a bell and go shout my doomsday predictions at 'consumers' in town wudnt it!!!
  12. took me a while to work out what u mean!! how much are they now? factor is all the cost increases, quite low russian involvement in raw matetials it actually should be quite nominal but then you need to think about white men in braces sat round a table sayin 'so, what would we get away with?' with that facor l would say around a 400% increase in 364 days. which l'm all for tbh bc its shit like this that people notice. the sea levels will have risen, thousnds of children would have needlessly drowned bc there house is now below water, tens of thousads more killed by war, hundreds of thousands killed by their pimps bc they have recently turned 11 and just arent profitable anymore. literally nobody cares enough to do anything apart from a few girlfriends got outraged on fb about the pretty, white, eastern european eight year olds rounded up by putins mates and systematically raped to death on the unternet for cas but nobody actually did anything. THEN freddo's went up by 401% and the population couldnt take it anymore, stormed everywhere strung up boris and the HoP, HoL, homeless people ate food and warmed up, money and borders were abolished and we we all happy and content for about 50 years until people started to forget. somebody gives somebody else a shiny thing to put their willy inside them and about 150 years later our descendents have this same conversation. those of you who know me personally, close your gobs, and think back who it was spent years warning about iraq, no WMD's, the expenses scamdal, the financial 'collapse', the grooming gang scandals and what putin is doing now. theres about six of you (theres about 20 really but loads of you are still somehow in denial ) anyway if you look at that and think uurggghhhh thats grim, yes. if you look and think don't be silly that couldn't happen (as literally happens all around) l piff in your general direction ffs mikey all that for a freddo and if youre wondering 'l wonder how likely he views us all dying in flames the deranged madman?' well a year ago it was 1.5%, six months ago it was 6% and about three days ago l upped it to 17%. l did say 20% but l had a triple whammy emotional hit about the Rohynga, the dome of the rock and some report about australian natives suffering a systematic slow notion genocideat the time. and clearly now lm bot emotional n the slightest Jayzus
  13. if l cant find a local to back l just write highly offensive words in the boxes, achieves nothing more than upsetting some uptight people who take themselves too seriously but if thats all thats available then yeah l'll do that imature? very.
  14. which won't be long when you look at the impending food crisis, £250+ to fill up the tiniest car, £4-500 a week to keep the lights on and £7 for a 20p saver loaf of bread. Coming soon....
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