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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. nah lm too far gone for that, the whole rotten system needs changing. l can never vote labour after the war criminal stained them forever and now theyve got a useless cardboard cut out who is decent at sneering and not much else. its hard enuf gettin us lot pulling in the same direction nevermind the big picture. history is littered w revolution and if we aren' doin that then lm out until we are. W
  2. yes. you could hear the beach in Mattd voice couldnt you? boy, does he deserve it
  3. won't somebody pleaseeee consider the bandwith sorry tho, you are right, you are a volunteer and you are enabling us to wither our time away so frivolously. l do try at almost all times on here to remember that and l shall endevour to raise that up to 'all times'. I am currently 8 days into a three month sicknote after suffering a TIA last wednesday so when you spot knobead Monty eyeing sumat up everybody just ignore me as best you can and l'll try my utmost to post relevant stuff (or at least l'll stick a disclaimer on rather than setting pathetic boredom traps)
  4. yeah its ok, sentences start with capital letters usually aswell and words like mite arent spelt like that. luckily for me, as l dropped out of education aged 14 to embark on a highly succesful career of drink, drugs and punches in my head, l wasnt actually tryna look like l can spell or tryna be clever, l was merely expressing how when others do so and fuck up it makes me laugh. Yours is funny anyway, its like sumat l would do (unlucky) not even gona read redlions effort tho because making him look stupid would be akin to opening a door and utterly devoid of any satisfaction whatsoever!!!
  5. as an aside, l wonder, would you be intetested to know that in completely unrelated instances, l find it absolutely hilarious when somebody tries to be clever, but their actions only serve to further highlight distinct lack of natural intelligence? lt is one of my most favorite things on this planet. (hope that ones ok)
  6. l disagree wholeheartedly with this barry owen type ignorant, small mindedness. l'm certain l am not alone. You aren't contributing, Basil is. it's patently obvious which out of the two of you needs to fuck off somewhere else.
  7. not as arrogant as assuming a man who cited mental health issues to quit on us would suddenly want to leave his well functionin plan to come bck here
  8. lve seen the name a few times in articles etc and wondered if it was him
  9. l'm only 29 so best we had was a tape deck, half a pill each and a dimmer switch for the light but that was pretty great
  10. l ended up loving him bc everybody started hating him. Got a little flash of Sterling related anger when l saw M'Changama tho. Remember when our fans were outraged bc he was fasting during Ramadan
  11. Mollie Banks is decent now he has found some attitude to go with his undoubted ability.
  12. As somehow a nailed on optimist and staunch defender of anybody l deem to be 'on our side' l would like to object to such sweeping statements. l would like to. But l won't because youre right and l really like what you did there.
  13. l keep forgiving literally everything he does just bc the pitch is good!!! Even that was probably more down to the Covid inspired rest that it got than any masterplan out of Africa. l mean come on, grass doesnt even grow in Africa.
  14. l think we may have hijacked a well meaning thread here Chad, quite possibly in bad taste. No disrespect intended, sorry. There is somehow some good people left at the club and l wish to publicly doff my cap in their direction.
  15. 'Simon Blitz coz he saved us and he could put us in administration at any time but hasn't. Why there isn't a statue of him yet l just can not comprehend and it makes me angry.'
  16. Oh there was!! Maybe not from you, or me, or anybody who isn't just pretending to like Football because everybody else does. But there were massive, squirming, angry piles of doubt permeating our fan base as to the level of his ability. They'll be gutted they didn't ruin his career and only secretly admit that to themselves in quiet moments. Strange people.
  17. l loved them few months of Jack Byrne so much. Still hurts now. What a player. Hope he is settled and happy and healthy. Love you, Jack
  18. If it isn't down to brexit, then yes we blame brexit.
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