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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Don’t think they own the NS yet, l think they just run it.
  2. I used to think like that but lve seen to many instances of fans who turn up itching to complain. There’s a few in the main stand and about ten dotted around halfway in the Lookers, especially that prick at the front with the embarrassed looking teenage lad with him. It really makes me sad.
  3. Bad scene if that happens. No trialist from the trip looks ready to play in a real match.
  4. And to reaffirm, yes l believe we need more players, primarily a LB, a CB, a CM, a L/RW, and a CF. The CM and the winger aren’t a priority, but we need them in by end of window.
  5. I would say three weeks before the Ernie Cooksey season and three weeks before the Steve Robinson season were far worse squads. Optimism, l find, is a personal thing, with scarification from those times affecting thought processes now. I think it is more your stomach for the fight which is low and this is a cumulative factor l have seen in a few fans this summer, which is sad. Being naturally overly optimistic (which somehow translates as not having a nice word to say about anybody to a few of the weapons on here, not sure how that happens but that’s another story!!) l have a reasonable amount of [quite possibly misplaced] confidence that most of the first team are settled now and if we can start right then we can fly. Flipside being that there is a large group of fans hoping we start badly so that they can instantly come wading in at the first mistake and recreate cewe away type poisonous atmospheres. I think l’m more aprehensive at that prospect than l am about anything else.
  6. Yeah we need at least one first team player for each position except Keeper. Maybe just one winger if he is going to be using Robinson to challenge Nepo and The Johan.
  7. Amazing isn’t it!! Mo can only look on eviously and wish he had unlocked such a skill level.
  8. Wish BP would stop hindering this thread from single handedly saving the club by putting jokes in it The times we live in when not even a winky face can save you from the traffic wardens. Boris Johnsons Britain .
  9. Looks like Mo left his hat unattended this afternoon.. https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/2019/july/15072019-seat-clean-up/ *apologies in advance in case flat cap man is offended.
  10. Somehow lve never been to a match at Chadderton so l think l’ll go have a look at this
  11. Don’t see why we can’t boringly pass it about between ourselves at the back and also have players getting chalk on their boots all in the same match.
  12. Sylla was number 5. Should be scoring that header tho .
  13. Interesting Woods played the full 90. Penalty save too
  14. Good workout that. Clean sheet, minutes for Neavin and Robinson, Sefil looked like a Footballer and Big Urko bagging the winner #marcherlaligue
  15. Headless Chicken. Swaby-Neavin seeing a lot of the ball.
  16. Really making us work now in the last period. Who is number 8?
  17. Think it was Sylla is he massive? was what Fane would be like if he could play Football.
  18. Early indications that Banide is a fan of Robinson
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