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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. ‘Not bothered’ shouldn’t be an option. Don’t remember it during any elections, or even Brexit, even tho it is usually the clear winner.
  2. So that’s why The Johan Branger has been tryin to get on free kicks!
  3. Ive gone 18+, more out of want, hope, need and blind faith than expectation.
  4. If he is a Latics Fan then it’s probably him that expected a bacon butty that time.
  5. Can’t be a Latics fan, no chance. He would have put tape over it or wore it inside out.
  6. We would probably have a case in law as l would not have placed the bet, or maybe not as high an amount, had l been aware of the break clause.
  7. I want my £8 back l put on him for top scorer (£4e/w).
  8. ‘Dear unreliable debt guy who has bled us dry and taken all our assets for himself, whilst profiteering our land and not reducing the debt, please will you get back involved in my club?’ WTF is wrong with some people???
  9. Who’s goin on Soccer AM? Best be able to volley a ball..
  10. Gona be extra effort to quote the post and just say ‘Downboat’.
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