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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Might have been a good point if the manager hadn’t said he would like to pick him.
  2. We ignore obvious passes and hoof it long. Makes me sad.
  3. And before anybody flippantly picks me up on it, I am aware I have accidentally placed it behind the box instead of in the box!!
  4. Nah. It’s more like knowing what youre gettin for xmas, being excited for it, opening it, buzzing over it then it being inexplicably taken away and placed behind an impenetrable glass box for an unforseable amount of time. You also need to keep it with you for at least 50% of your day, six days a week. You can see it, it can see you and it wants you to play with it, but you can’t use it or ask questions about it. Then you get some more new presents but they are pretty shit compared to the one you can see, doesn’t matter still can’t use it. You also have to put a large chunk of your money into the box every seven days. Still can’t use it tho.
  5. I have defo heard Bunn publicly say he would like to pick Byrne.
  6. I really want Missile to fulfill his promise and then for us to start doing this at matches. Really, really, really want this to happen.
  7. Train terminates at Lancaster, think that’s the reason for it.
  8. Bit rude that. Benefit of doubt given, some of our fans are a bit, ahem, large.
  9. Does Morecombe exist? I’m baffled as to what has happened here, I’m currently a kid at my Grandparents and it does actually say Morecambe and Wise on the tv. This is going to affect me for quite a while.
  10. Never even noticed that all my life and I’m on the aspergers scale to a level that I now can’t concentrate on my book as my mind is rewinding back thru my life and scanning for a reason. Night ruined ?
  11. His new club would pay him the pay off as a signing on fee. That’s how people get around the rules.
  12. That’ll do then. Don’t concede and rely onBaxter to do sumat. Sorted.
  13. I can get this. However, you need to also get that nobody (at least I can’t see them) is saying this is good. We can see that away points are not amazing, but we also know that away losses would spell impending doom. If there was ‘no plan’ then we would have lost them matches. Having said all this, I demand 3pts at weekend.
  14. Excellent post. Our work sent us all pride tshirts to wear the other day, I asked my manager what happens when some of the Muslims refuse and he genuinely asked ‘why would they refuse?’ ?
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