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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. I imagine it’s an equipment issue, whatever they use to run it simply can’t handle the volume of usage. I’d also assume that the smaller clubs lower down get a worse service, but that’s just me bein me.
  2. I don’t like how he says ‘the fans stuck with us throughout’ in the FGR postmatch. He should have acknowledged that some (maybe even lots) boooo’d at HT. He had himself just acknowledged that the first half was poor, so he could have. I didn’t, but you know that.
  3. He did tell us what happened, that’s how you know isn’t it? If you are saying he should be announcing this before the match, then I am disapointed in myself for engaging with such a stupid mindset.
  4. Winchester class for Forest Green yesterday at home to Oldham.
  5. OR Taylor and Clarke are old men and Miller is an ageing chap who hasn’t played for over a year.
  6. Give them a chance, theyve only been going for, like, 18 months. Absolute pile of wank.
  7. Pretty much, especially if they are mint at Football.
  8. Totally forgot Dummigan got injured, was it on u21 duty?
  9. Tbf I think I may try one of them at some point. Probs take about 40mins off my life, but.
  10. Lame. You didn’t take any time to think and have made an incorrect assumption due to lack of comprehension. I’m not thinking the worst, I’m thinking they are doing something, of which I know nothing, in their own slow, secret, quiet way. Thank you for your concern as to my mental health, my mental health is poor, but is not down to negative thinking regarding Latics, I am imeasurably positive, sometimes to the point of naiivety, when it comes to Latics. Slow down a bit, let your brain catch up and you may be able to cut out some of your silly mistakes. Good luck ??.
  11. Oh dear. I say again, just because HMRC have not updated you what they are doing, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing anything. Try and give thinking a go before you reply, it can do wonders in terms of comprehension.
  12. That’s progress for them, they must be moving away from the racist 1970’s era they are usually stuck in.
  13. Calm down. It was you who was saying ‘nothing happening’ not me.
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