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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Well, yes, actually. He is the man making all the decisions, if the balance sheet shows -£1.3m based on what he does then of course he should be finding it. That's what he's fuckin there for isn't it? 'oooh oooh I bought a Football club losing money. Luckily it had loads of land so I transfered it all to a different company and privately rented it out for hundreds of thousands of pounds, whilst I slowly sold it all for millions of pounds, which I kept well away from the Football Club. Now I've ran out of it and the Football Club is still there in a worse state then when I bought it. oooh oooh. Love me you ungrateful peasants.'
  2. Not sure. Artificial pitches are an absolute nightmare for old joint and tendon based injuries. Not too mention the beginnings of evidence linking them to cancer. Oh, and the shit bounce.
  3. Did Playershare get used this season? How much is in the pot?
  4. Wouldn't 'who the fuck are milton keynes?' Have been a far more appropriate chant?
  5. Chris Taylor has always been a boo boy for a section of our 'fans'. Even more so now as they lack the mental capacity to spot that he is a right footed winger playing at left back because our other 'left backs' are chocolate tea pots.
  6. What a fuckin girl. Out of interest, Have you seen this weeks 'this week at Latics'? You know the bit at the end where people keep kicking Footballs at him? Do you find that funny or dangerous and immature..?
  7. Will the money go to brasswank because it is a non matchday?
  8. Surprising number of home fans. Must be a combination of the weather and SC's latest video.
  9. This has happened before at this ground. And yes, the drum is fuckin annoying. We have even had polls about it, where the majority want it fucking off. Seems the young attention seeker just isn't growing out of it tho, sadly.
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