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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. The police went round? Bit too far no? Couldn't they just tweet him a warning? Must have said someting very bad?
  2. I was going to read it, but couldn't take it seriously after reading that. I can probably guess what was said anyway.
  3. He clearly loves the club or he would have walked???? What? And leave all the 'loans' behind? Top notch banter, McFluff, top notch.
  4. Wowzers!!!! That's actually worse than what I was expecting, what a knob.
  5. SSNews reporting we have banned a supporter for threatening Robbo? Sorry if this is covered in one of the threads I'm too scared to read ???
  6. Erwin is mint at Football, sad to see him go but I understand why ?
  7. Be reet. Cold snap is just temporary, mild air comin in again. In December. ?.
  8. Asif Corney wouldn't snatch £50k in a heartbeat for anybody ever ?????
  9. That is why your softening of approach towards SC and aiming at the manager is losing you support. We have done all that before, so nobody wants to get behind it, it doesn't work and it's not his fault anyway.
  10. He found £6m to build a stand by selling all our best players, our two best managers, our best sell on clauses then borrowed the rest and added it to the club debts.
  11. In this case, he could not be more correct.
  12. What?????? This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read!!! Short sightedness and penny pinching summed up right there.
  13. Can you :censored: this horse racing bollocks off to its correct area please.
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