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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. he has ran out of UK pubs to randomly find out important stuff so now he is in benidorm!!
  2. notice Sheron has stopped passing tp the oppo since we stopped wearing red against teams wearing green. could just be a coincidence.
  3. indeed. people who think signing class players is puzzling have been damaged by our recent history havent they!!
  4. this desire lacking shower of shit are going nowhere. if the season wasnt over in december then it must be now its a disgrace wasting Franks money there he is rowing the planet and weve spent his cash on gerriactric strikers who dont even smile??? hahahahahahaaaa muppetts sit down shut up sit down shut up
  5. Green havin a stormer IMO but probably get abused by the windemere lot
  6. yeah hes looked like a kid playin mens Football every time lve seen him. which is the whole point l suppose!
  7. top squad man Green decent assists chips in goals and terrifies defenders. deploy the Speedboat.
  8. dont look at the team look at the table! this is still just the start of a long process
  9. yeah l thought that might be it but l wasnt sure if that was EFL
  10. l think he did but it was far too easy for him. may aswell stay here and get in our team.
  11. dont understand why we have given them extra and reduced ourselves. seems darft to make a big flat fanfare about re opening the chaddy only then decide against filling it?? maybe there is a league rule about it or sumat.
  12. give @pcassist a dm he can sorr this kinda stuff..
  13. nah. smash these tomoro season starts lets go
  14. the fact the words come good have been used after one game tells us all we need to know about our bi polarness!
  15. yes we did because it wasnt much of an offer this time around. l did tell you this once or twice but well done on working this out all for yourself!!
  16. have l been a week without commenting yet?? kept accidentally clicking on here out of habit!! will be great to see every seat taken at BP
  17. nah. me and BP are tight. by the time lm back he will have forgotten. me too probably
  18. this is ridiculous but l won't ridicule. Kitch plays every minute of every game and still manages to be a 7/10. on the off chance we make sumat happen or whip in a cross it is him doing it. making up a total misread then adding it to a total lie and linking in a bonkers theory makes it look like you are in a farm with petermike, bazza the hut and bazza chuckle. l'll see you all in about a week
  19. youre too quick to judge. probably why you spend your days haunting us with your new found pessimism. coupled with refusal to keep a track on how often you say the same three things rehashed in different guises! anyway lets play some random kid in the team, maybe even out of his bormal position. that should do it
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