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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. On the plus side (sorry!!!) at least it shows that people can actually change their minds afterall.
  2. Release Edmundson?????? How do I find out which retards came up with that conclusion?
  3. Anyway, it's a valid point. They don't look unsafe, unless youre BP1960. But hey, don't let that ruin your :censored: comment eh?
  4. Because the eyes and brain viewing it are attatched to BP1960.
  5. Errrr anybody with a brain. Our society is corrupt as :censored:. Thanks to the naiivety of blind bastards like you (and 95% of the population) stuff like this, stuff like paedo cover ups, stuff like wars for profit, stuff like MP expenses scandals will continue to happen and you will be just as surprised next time, and the next time and the next time... ????
  6. I would recommend people ignore this comment and refer to Shez's comments on the same subject.
  7. I would be surprised if a retrial happens. Pretty much everybody knows the girl is lying by now, can't see her wanting to get up and do it all again.
  8. Extra income from the houses hahahahahahaha :censored:in belter.
  9. You don't see the difference between Shez and chris porter? No point tryin to explain anything to you then.
  10. My overpositive mind came up with this theory in my sleep last night. SC is expecting to make massive amounts of money next season (actually for the club this time, not just for him and his mates) so he is hiding away a few hundred grands worth of season ticket profits in this seasons accounts to save money on tax.
  11. You're right. Lets not watch with any interest then, lets not care or have any hope what's the point? In fact lets just disband the whole youth system and spend it on one mid range first team squad player. ?
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