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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Q for those who study fixtures, any way this match could now be on a saturday?
  2. Roger God-Palmer? Andy Ritchie-Legend? Simon Messiah-Corney?
  3. Gona be over a thousand there, which is good. Might not be officially recognised, be we know better.
  4. The 'the horses wouldnt exist without horse racing' line, to which you allude, is a dubious defence. Would you agree with breeding humans just to be slaves? They should just enjoy it because they wouldnt exist without it right? I mean its not like these horses spend 90% of their lives reined (chained) up and 80% of their lives in a small cell? Born to be caged and chained up?
  5. No. Theyre pretty much even except one is younger, in fact in Keeper terms a baby. It's the decision of a Football person so I respect it. Also MIGHT benefit us in some way somehow in the future so.
  6. Yep. Kind of like the changes he is trying to make to the daily regime around meeting points, meals and changing areas. Beat him with that stick too if you want.
  7. I think he is picking Cornell to protect Coleman long term.
  8. Youre staying off a Football board because a fellow poster doesnt think that being little and whipping a horse to make it go faster is the most skillful of sports? Ok great.
  9. I dont think they will be. They WOULD have done, but they probably wont have to. I'm going with 998 and an official figure of 701.
  10. Mccoy??? :censored: that :censored:. Yes, in the world of horse racing, hats off to the lad. In the world of actual sport? Hmmm. Not to mention how bent his 'sport' is. Or how cruel it is.
  11. It's worrying that playing rugby on it was even a possibility.
  12. Im expecting around 700 as there is no public transport.
  13. Not really. About what I expected and Im usually over positive about these things.
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