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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. l'm expecting a signing in CM from the EFL on jan 1st. no insider knowelege or owt, jus do. that spurs guy would also be decent if we could pull that one off, however unlikely.
  2. l dont think we need to hope for it, it's well within reach. not even a reach!
  3. cant believe we drew that shit cunts youd think Norwood goals should count even if he is lazy, shit and a trouble causer who doesnt smile* sad fuckwits.
  4. seasons over loan out Norwood to save wages place Eminem on gardning leave and stop paying the players*
  5. lm not arsed about his mountain of goals, piles of assists, all his experience, everything everybody is learning from him or the fact he's our best player by a mile. if that cunt doesnt start smiling bc he bagged in division five l want him the fuck out*
  6. how do you know are you involved with the first team now yeah? fuckin smiling ffs its Football not born in chelsea or whatever its called
  7. yep. usually followed by 'he doesnt even smile' by the clueless twonk spouting it.
  8. so if we lose today how many points will be available between now and the end of the season in half a year?
  9. seems he is covering less race distance than miles travelled but l suppose nearly being upside down twice might do that
  10. allowed ffs l really should proof read. or edit. or have some shame. or all three!
  11. PS l think he's got a chance, seems to have good instincts and the physique looks like it will be there. but he is a bit too nice. bit of a joke we havent got a reserve team yet but l can see the massive focus on youth which is excellent. lve opined allowed about active bridge building with giants like Scholes who had a burning off 'us' and if l knew Tony Philliskirk had been back at BP sat cross legged having a chat and a (weak) brew it wouldnt half warm the heart.
  12. indeed. yet some people wanted to tell us he should have been starting for us last season!
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