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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Coleman Mills Wilson Dieng Brown Forte Jones Kelly Croft Winch Cassidy or Poleon
  2. Oh dear. Ohhhhh I get it. YOU dont THINK that Forte, Winch, Poleon, Croft and Byrnes count so therefore they dont actually count in real life? Riiiiiiiigghhtttt. Its the done thing on here to put IMO somewhere in your opinion so the rest of us can just ignore it and dont waste our time pointing out the actual facts when your brain cant or wont process them.
  3. That would just be silly. I'd rather stick with playing one of our many wingers there. :censored:ing idiot.
  4. Aye. Despite all evidence to the contrary and being repeatedly told we want a back up keeper/ coach, certain Latics fans continue to pull out stupid out of our reach/ mandate players. If utd get a big name or keep De Gea, maybe we will get Valdes cos he lives near Kelly and he can get a lift with him?
  5. What a :censored: topic. Weve only got about 5 wingers, I think we will be OK.
  6. Really??????? 400 cars x £3 x 300 days (deliberatley low) + the fixed rent for the seperate hospital staff bit + the driving school I stand by it.
  7. Stop being bitter just because I explained to you how a year has more than 23 days.
  8. :censored: off. There were at least twenty people I know (including myself) aged from 10 to 30 and we werent looking for a ruck and we didnt get one. I did get a parking ticket tho, never paid it. Prick.
  9. Be mint if we were allowed 'safe standing' at either end in them two unused blocks.
  10. I'd go further and suggest it would make us real challengers at the top.
  11. It houses the heartbeat and pulse of the club. We could maybe move the back room staff into the new stand. But the main entrance, changing rooms, laundry room, players lounge etc appears to be staying in the main stand. Not forgetting the tv gantry and other media stuff we have just spent loads of money updating. Maybe close the upper part next season and renovate it is the most I can see happening.
  12. No. He was mega when he came back and unreal at the start. Also undeniably good throughout his career. And a Lad
  13. Yeah 200 very possible. New ground, new season, new hype. Withdrawal symptoms.
  14. Tempted to say Swailes too, but he did look good for his three games or so.
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