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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Nice that some who dont want a 'rapist' are happy with a terrorist sympathiser. Weird.
  2. Is he a republican/celtic fan/pipe bomb maker/terrorist? Might not be welcome if he isnt. #legend
  3. Why would we bring in a youth coach as manager then bin off the likes of Bove and Truelove? Gerrard said a month ago we cant afford him. Do people even listen anymore or do they just decide things in their own heads?
  4. That was getting on for nearly a century ago. Ulster is still under seige right now this very second.
  5. Damn straight. Cheap option bad enough, but cheap option who vocally supports cowardly murderers?? :censored:. Right. Off.
  6. Yeah fancy going on an internet message board which is read by the club to articulate just how bad this decision would make you feel and what your response will be.
  7. Yeah Jones got dogs abuse at preston. The rest were hounded out. Choose not to remember it if you want. Our fans are pricks, remember barnsley away first game of the season that year? Gona be like that if we appoint Kelly.
  8. Couldnt give a toss about on here. The potentially toxic atmosphere at games however worries me massively. Especially if we are going to have a team of kids and newbies. The treatment of Kelly and Jones at the start of the season. Plus how our idiot fans hound out decent championship level players like Eardley, Davies, OGrady, Tierney etc. I cant face it Im not coming. ????
  9. I try and stay away from 'anybody who still thinks...' type posts But If this happens anybody who still thinks LJ was not pushed out is an idiot. Going back five or so years there used to be a 'Corney doesnt want promotion' type conspiracy theory that I used to think was stupid, now Im not so sure.
  10. If he does get the job then he wont be the name capable of keeping our decent players like Kelly, Mills, Jones, Wilson etc. Will be a whole new squad by first day next season, gutted. SC either not learning or up to someting more sinister. Got caught up in the excitement at the new stand open day and was buzzing for next season. All that will be gone if this happens ? Probably :censored: the season ticket off too. Devoed.
  11. Not realy. Just because somebody applied doesnt actually make them a conteder.
  12. IF its true then 'one thousand season tickets sold' just became no longer true ??
  13. Think hes a bit too young to have played under Dowie.
  14. I dont get it? Im trying to vote RRE to NS but it says I must answer all the questions??
  15. Robbing bastards! Unless thats for the four payments option? I did the 10 one.
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