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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. if we could name seven but keep the permitted use at three then that would totally be in our interests
  2. seems to have made up decent ground () last 24hrs after capsizing
  3. Mullin is in his prime Norwood is onto his 35th orbit around the star
  4. l dont think theres anything wrong with his game its a privelege to watch
  5. kind of yes!! we have had full 90 performances from him. under Rhino he was playin 2-3 positions for 90. l think we are either asking a bit too much or not being as grateful as we should be. its like we expected Paul Mullin
  6. seemed to be trying when he gets there first in his own half skips past a defender and bears down on goal with mad pace for a veteran leading to our second. if he was such a sulk arse then Sheron wouldnt be taking goals off him like that. bet he wins players player (the only one that counts)
  7. pears are like BP on here, they go round in circles
  8. l'll have a fiver on apples. more hardy arent they.
  9. 12/1 for FA Trophy. picked up £2.50 on goals giveaway so lve backed us £1.25 e/w. just off to the food bank*
  10. urgh l never thought of that suppose it woud make me interested in the competition and take it seriously. ok l'm in l'm taking the competition seriously. l'll let you know if l back us!!!
  11. Marc's got loadsafuckinmoneyyyy he can do both. if l qualified for a free pint l'd donate it, but l don't so its moot really.
  12. its total gibberish lve tried!! l can know when kebab and taxi men are talking about me tho and offer disarming phrases to make them aware of such. tbf tho western people
  13. Under achieving so need to over achieve in the second half of the season and will finish around 5th. which is not good enough but its much easier to find stuff to be positive about on and off the pitch than it was at ten matches in.
  14. well done lads always good when the listener can hear the smiles on your rough faces!!!! lm coming on friday so l'll introduce myself
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