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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. General consensus on Harkins is that he is talented but lazy. At 29 to carry a tag like that then its probably true, but we play two defensive midfielders so hopefully they can do all his work and he can just laze about then pop up and so something. Problem there is that these types aren't generally welcome at BP. Excluding Baxter that is.
  2. No it isn't, I am a massive optimist. Yes, I know if I think about it then I'm being silly, but football for me is about dreams and emotions, so I need to think this way or I will get bored!
  3. I went for Smith because he nailed Gerrard early doors, that lad is class.
  4. Why did we give them the ball back when they sliced the clearance? Can't remember who took it but LJ was clearly talking to him whilst Agger limped off. Too nice there silly mistake and they bagged pretty much straight away. OK, it's one tiny incident in a game when we didn't disgrace ourselves against one of England's best teams, but even still it is the first time that LJ has pissed me off in a big way. I'm actually still a bit annoyed now!! Still, we can concentrate on pushing for the play offs now.
  5. Agreed. I keep quiet because it is a song that my great grandma and my grandma used to listen to when I was a kid, so it stirs old memories. But saying that I was glad that this time we tried to outsing it.
  6. Pisses me off when people clap something like this, especially when repeatedly told not to in the build up. Look at me look at me. Selfish prick.
  7. Mellor was great in the second half. Trouble is too many people have made up their minds and don't form their opinions based on what is actually happening in front of them.
  8. No wonder he's so keen to move if they don't even know his proper position.
  9. Wait til you see what they've got in store for us after they took us lightly. Twice. Alledgedly.
  10. Best I can find is radio commentary on LFC TV!
  11. Jus seen them both get in a car with Whinjard.
  12. Yes it definately was not a rumour, Corney said he had purchased it and had it in storage. There was an attempt at raising funds to intall it too, but we fans just piffed at such a suggestion.
  13. Somebody came on here last year and said it was a disgrace that those queuing for libpool tickets didnt get free bacon butties. Comedy gold.
  14. Thats what I mean, they did a good job last time aswell I thought. Think we should have sold the 'severely restricted' ones aswell, just over played how restricted they were so people couldnt moan.
  15. OWTB Community in action. People should always ask things like this, you never know who might say yes!
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