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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. been saying it for ages its fuckin brilliant could somebody perhaps put it on here somehow? musk wont let us look wo signing up
  2. it was players that forced it off says the Oldham Times. doesnt say which team.
  3. bloody 'ell its touchin three degrees out there get on with it
  4. @kowenicki l think all twelve of them have got the chairman on a group wtsp video call right now on the pitch
  5. l had a false alarm and ended up having pre cancerous polyps removed. that was bad enuf. dont even be scared you might enjoy gettin fingered, just get it done
  6. not sure how you view my politics but l agree with your sentiment on removing people. if not the view on causation.
  7. its funny IMO mind you lve not seen any of it
  8. sorry its a matchday morning init theres no other personality available even if we are away at a prem club in the cup!!
  9. saying that if we cant beat a fucking shit pot small forest after fucking them about all weekend we should probably fold
  10. no its not really but its testament to the clubs infrastructure under Frank that we will be playing the match. even if its off it will be borderline so to have got us so close is an achievement. Rosey Rosey future for us..
  11. lve got Aspergers and even l knew it was a joke!!! mind you, lve treated life like a joke as a coping mechanism since my diagnosis so lm trained by now stops me coupling up windows mentally and re arranging sentences looking for the code
  12. ultimately the best way to view it and almost certainly the view of the management
  13. there is a warm air inflatable cover now so they are trying stuff
  14. l jus want some recognition for my sporadic but accurate weather forecasting
  15. mods on here defo considerin 24hr bans for me n lionheart if the match is off. l can feel them wincing at both our moods already!!!
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