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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. I think it works. Its harder in the heat, so if your body can push it limits in the heat, you shouldnt reach that limit in the cold? Kind of like training at altitiude, but not.
  2. I know, but I can see my home games dropping off next season to about ten. Still, thats £200+ int kitty.
  3. Still unacceptable, unless he's been dragged along at the last minute. Week in week out it's just cruel!!!
  4. True! Still winds me up if some punk kid is playing on his DS all game
  5. I can see where he's coming from. I assumed it was a tenner and was looking forward to it, then the price was announced and I said :censored: that. My mate is a city fan and he said 'yeah, but you will pay £20 to watch Exeter' and I started to think will I? And you know what, I probably wont. I cancelled my ST two seasons ago because I cant make tuesdays, the tought of missing a saturday didnt even occur to me. I was a bit miffed paying £22 sometimes last season, but the £14 games made up for it, but now its gone up £6 I dont think I can justify it.
  6. To be honest I thought, ability wise, he looked class at BP.
  7. I reckon we would have filled the ground at £10. Might scrape to near half full at £15.
  8. Going ok at the moment down in slumdon.
  9. I thought Mellor was going to be doing it, clearly not after last night.
  10. I just bought him shirts etcetera, therefore pumping money into the club.
  11. ???????? It does. I first brought my lad when he was three, he got bored with 20 minutes left (we were losing 1-2 to doncaster) so I didnt bring him again. My brother said let him bring something to keep him interested and I said as I said above. He wanted to come again a few weeks later but I said 'no youre not interested' and eventually I gave in and let him just before he was five. By then he knew what to expect and didnt [dare] get bored. Now he's a regular and doing his best to get some mates hooked.
  12. Pisses me off when kids bring games to a game. Probably shouldnt be there if they cant pay attention.
  13. Best band of the weekend were The Wailers I thought.
  14. Hopefully a CB aswell before the start and I'd say were game on, no question.
  15. Meanwhile http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/03/this-is-our-planet-iss-video-tomislav-safundzic_n_1646944.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
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