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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Unfortunatley this seems to be the default set up for many Latics fans' [tiny] brains, and as the crowds drop they are getting easier to hear. Don't you know, they pay their money so they can moan if they want to?
  2. I cant afford to buy anything at a game after ive paid to get in, nevermind £3 for a programme!!!
  3. Great news. Not that Deano had any choice in the matter!!!!
  4. If he's had £5m back off the council, does that reduce his asking price for the club to £3m?
  5. Yeah I really miss that stand. Its definatley the case that people will renew their ST with the sole intention of going along and having a good whinge, what a waste of money. And sadly, they just dont realise the damage they are doing.
  6. They dont all still follow united either.
  7. It get me down that a Latics fan has jumped ship to fc united, because he thinks thats what football is and thats what BP should be like. I can see what he means to be fair.
  8. Sorry, I didnt mean it to read as aimed towards you. I just meant anyone who is. Sorry.
  9. I'm not renewing because our know :censored: all boo boy fans proper piss me off.
  10. Noticed on the tv highlights that it sounded noisy. Good work.
  11. Nah. being on here is probably whats stopping you hanging yourself, so I don't mind really.
  12. QUALITY. They do sing mostly united songs I think, unless theyve changed the words. The original thread was supposed to be about main stand moaners ruining young players. Or occassionally failing like with Eardley, Tierney and hopefully Taylor. You must have lost that in your mainstandblinkeredcunt rage.
  13. My lad and his footballl club were invited along to the fc united game this weekend, his mum wouldnt let him go without me, and he really wanted to go so I had to. I gave my ticket Latics ticket away, so I didnt feel as quite as bad. Anyways, during the first half, one of the other dads said to me 'If you could get an atmosphere half like this at BP, then you would probably be further up the leagues with some decent youngsters established asvaluable pro's now. Its them main stand maoning :censored: that make them :censored: off you know, wish they would just hurry up and die.' I thought maybe the last bit was a tad harsh, but I agreed with his sentiment. There was about 3000 there I think, but if I started verbally abusing one of the players theres no way he could have heard me. On the playing, side they had a tricky number 7 who had a great game so I clapped him when he came off. Thats when I heard it was Carlos Roca!! Aparantley Wolfy was number 8, who also had a good game, dont know whether thats true tho. Sadly, I wouldnt be suprised if we play them in a few years, can't see them staying down. Mind you, I've only seen one game!!!
  14. Crouch. Because of the extra touch, not in spite of it.
  15. Pleasntly suprised with the positive reaction on here. Welcome back.
  16. No. Barry and a few others were in the directors box.
  17. When do we have to vote by? I can not yet decide POS between Kuqi and Lee....
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