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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. most probably will do if you ask them politely enough in broken enough Spanish!! good luck same team for me. part of me thinks start Green instead of Gardner but he was immense on saturday and MM probs doesnt have the same count on how many mins away from a thigh strain he is so...
  2. tbh lm not even sure how this typewriter even dials up the interworld. chimpanzee noises
  3. lve not put money into a gambling account since about 2004 but ld wager a free bet about how often presumptious people are oblivious to their ignorance is pretty often! one day l aim to have my own river, like Dave!
  4. the broken clock is never correct because it's a digital one and the screen is broken.
  5. he is literally blocking the development of his replacement(s) around the time l stopped watchin the prem he was popping up on the LW for United and regularly recieving the ball. we have had an opportunity to 'rest' him for ages but seem reluctant and the piss taking he recieved at Hampden was merciless.
  6. for me there seems more value in the 14's bet then cashing out. but that will be bc l couldnt go into a play off lottery both emotionally and financially exposed! l have in the past bet against England as some form of sick (used negatively) insurance scheme, but not Latics. not yet.
  7. he has kind of always been gettin about in that nearly club, even when he was at Yanited it was kind of like are you still here? defo loves Trent but tbf l dont mind him too much so long as it isn't as a RB. he is like the Prada version of Reece Wabara!
  8. Latics top 7 is 15/8 promoted 14/1 Norwood top scorer 25/1 win league 300/1 not allowed to combo numbers two and three. well, lm not anyway.
  9. l normally like Dion but l wanted him to stop talking at that moment
  10. lm suprised l didnt get that the wrong way around at that time, actually!!! l would have left it up too for us to giggle at.
  11. everybody says that but secretly there's loads they love!!!
  12. l think he was trying to say Maguire thought about it but then didnt do it, making it an accident so no pen. which left me rather confused. why is Maguire even playing in that match? and his annoyin cryin face pisses me off now.
  13. l thought he was biased towards them and bookended it with ridiculous decisions for us to hide it. l also now have unfounded suspicions over the link between broadcasting companies and VAR trucks in some counties. using possibly stereotypical of asian betting markets, when he didnt give the one against Maguire l actually bet a quid against us at 18/1 and took a tenner. l nearly then put that on England but l'm gona put it on us to get promoted and cash it out before the play offs. with all the rest. l reckon the two or three lve got for us to win the league might be gone, but if they ever offer me 12p cash out again l'm havin them!
  14. [rather unsuprisingly l suppose] l found the B team introduction interesting, despite its obvious malicious intentions, on a purely sporting level. however, l was mostly able to bury that by listening to vested interests and paid patsy's at Vladolfs World Cup tryna tell me that England and Wales were doing well there because of the football league trophy.
  15. tbf l reckon it's harder to get injured in a match youre not playin in rather than one you are!
  16. l cant believe l used to moan about the pizza trophy
  17. my fave part was Dan Gardner on the official site nearly sayin 'the fans were fuckin mint'
  18. all we need is a midfielder. or two. and someone to challenge the wingers. and some back up full backs.
  19. that outside of the foot efforft from Chaz was rather exciting
  20. Oldham Manchester bin Company( thats what l thought OMBC stood for) l honest didnt even know we existed and l was born at Oldham Royal.
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