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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Cycles. This is how it works- Labour come to power and run up massive debts, spend too much and arent generally very good at hiding the corruption, eventually the country wakes up and votes them out. So in come the tories who are proper stingey and kind of sort out the economy, and are quite good at hidng their corruption. eventually the country gets tired of the stingeyness and votes in labour cos things can only get betterTM and off we go again.
  2. Is that who does it? hahahahaha that does explain it. Somebody tell him they do OAP computer classes int library.
  3. FOUR DAYS DISCOUNT GAS. SIGN UP QUICK. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsUpdate/0,,10337~2301546,00.html
  4. Canadian Charcoal Pit is the best I get chicken and lamb if you gue-essed I sometimes even get donner meat Canadian CHARCOAL PIIIT.
  5. But it did happen. I dont agree with the Iraq carnage we caused, or the unwinnable Afgan war. But it's not the soldiers fault, and it must be some crumb of comfort to the families to see the respect shown when the fallen return. More likely some beurocrat :censored: has decided that the 'edl' wouldnt exist without the town, so lets stop normal folk paying respect. Or some eurobeurocratcunt couldnt hanlde seeing all the flags, so lets have a whisper in someones ear and put a stop to it.
  6. The Devil creates work for idle hands. This game is partly why people BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at real football matches.
  7. Bet he wouldnt bother being a politician if it was a part time thing, with limited expenses and he had to get up and go to a proper job most days of the week. If this was the case, then we would know who was really in it for the common man. Oh and the house of commons should be renamed.
  8. If you dont like it, simply substitute the word queen for Team. For me, this makes it much more palatable.
  9. I think he was just waffling :censored:e to try and keep his job longer and claim more expenses. Politicians are worse than benefit cheats, theyre scum.
  10. I couldnt afford my ST this season, but have managed to scrape together the cash for four of the five games. Not having the ST, and actually handing over the cash really makes you appreciate how poor the 'product' is. Never thought I'd say anything like that, but I suspect my attendance this season is going to drop to around half the games. Away games are out of the question this season for the same reason. I also didnt realise just how good Soccer Saturday is.
  11. Personally, for purely logistical reasons, I was gutted when Failsworth was sunk. However, I wish they would get on with building, because I will enjoy looking at the progress every few weeks.
  12. Hope so. But I suspect many brentford, colchester, yeovil, etcetera fans leave BP and think 'that was :censored:e, theyve got no atmosphere'
  13. No it was against hudds in the second half. So weve done this twice now? Holy Moley, Batman.
  14. That joke was first aired by me at QPR away, I knew I should have copyrighted it.
  15. You want the man of the match's towel? You get worse!!
  16. Grounds dont make the atmosphere, fans do. Always makes me laugh when our fans go to doncaster or sumat for a LDV Vans game, with 800 people in the ground, and declare it a 'soul less bowl' I can confirm 100% that, right this second, brightons new ground is a soul less bowl, because its silent and empty.
  17. Im no homophobe, my brothers mate said hi to a woman who works with a pufter only this morning.
  18. We even left TWO the other week. lucky I was sat down!!
  19. The club needs to send loads of tickets if theyre going to do it, maybe even send a player along. Just sending a few is pointless. In fact, I think the club already does.
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