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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Or rather than through the schools, who can be rather :censored:e at this type of thing, do it through local football teams. My lad says whenever tickets come through his school they 'go to people who dont even like football.' when he asks them if they went they usually say they just stopped in the bus stop and stared menacingly at grannies instead.
  2. Never said he isnt, but it annoyed me when he called them spineless :censored:houses, or whatever it was. Stick to rididng horses wearing a mask Zorro
  3. no grammar and poor spelling is fine on a noticeboard. not so on an official website. editing mistakes?
  4. Did he though? Or was it the semi ilitterate monkey who does the webite?
  5. Nice one folks. No doubt England getting involved has been erased from the world by skynet for PC reasons.
  6. My son is becoming obsessed with the Haka. I seem to remember England walking into it once, he doesnt believe me that anyone would be so silly. Did I imagine it? Ive had a scoot around youtube but I cant find anything????
  7. I really, really cant. Ive got £11 for saturday and Im gona see if theres £3 in change knocking about in the car, if theres any more than that I'll go in Latique and put it in the bucket!!!
  8. The biggest donkey ever was phil starbuck. There can be no debate.
  9. I read an interview with him shortly after he took over, where he said the prem should be about fifteen teams with no relegation. This was not long after city began the season in division three, therefore being around 30th. And probably only months after mpenza kept them up, with his 6 points away at newcastle and some other tough away game in the run in. On the basis of that one sentence, I hate him.
  10. Needs changing I think. 'Almost £20 for a game on sky' sounds nowt like 'come ooooon you girl its less than £15'
  11. Every time i read something like this, I feel proud of myself for not having a clue who the person means
  12. I dont think this should be in here. Its just gained extra people possibly due to this thread, cant it go back in with the general population?
  13. No way. Crowds are pathetic. Even if this had one person it should be immune from all criticism, I'll wager most the contributors attend games as it is, so there chucking good money after bad (for want of a better term ). Get off your high horse. If your so bothered, stop wasting money on away travel and pay £100 per home game. Jheez, some people.
  14. I very rarely read these, but when I do theyre always good. Maybe theres a lesson here...
  15. I thought that. maybe the sound bounced of the empty seats or something?
  16. I reckon this is some form of test. No way a donkey.
  17. I dont think its pitiful. Small, yes. Pitiful, no.
  18. I dont want to generalise or owt, but I'd give it to them asap because some players couldnt finish all that in one morning.
  19. only joking. class player, well better than division 3
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